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Come fare

Prenotare un'Esperienza per il tuo team

Get the whole team together with Airbnb Experiences, led by local experts. You can browse for Experiences your team would love, or search by location.

Cercare Esperienze Airbnb in base alla posizione

Trovare Esperienze da un computer

  1. Clicca su airbnb.com e poi su Esperienze.
  2. Inserisci la posizione e seleziona la data.
  3. Clicca su Ospiti e inserisci il numero di partecipanti.

You can filter the results or browse until you find the perfect match. You can also message the Host directly to ask if they can host your group privately, or customize the Experience for your team.

Ready to finalize your reservation? You’ll be prompted to enter the names of participants and their email addresses. Including email addresses is optional, but will ensure your team gets useful info along the way.

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