I suggerimenti verranno mostrati dopo aver digitato l'input di ricerca. Utilizza le frecce su e giù per consultare. Utilizza invio per selezionare. Se la selezione è una frase, questa verrà inviata per effettuare la ricerca. Se il suggerimento è un link, il browser accederà alla pagina.
Termini legali

Termini del servizio

Se risiedi o eserciti la tua attività all'interno dello Spazio economico europeo ("SEE"), in Svizzera o nel Regno Unito, si applicano i Termini del servizio per utenti europei.

Se risiedi o eserciti la tua attività al di fuori del SEE, della Svizzera, dell'Australia e del Regno Unito, si applicano i relativi Termini del servizio.

Se risiedi o eserciti la tua attività in Australia, si applicano i Termini del servizio per utenti australiani.

Termini del servizio per utenti europei

In qualità di consumatore residente nello SEE, puoi accedere alla piattaforma per la risoluzione online delle controversie della Commissione europea dalla pagina https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Airbnb non si impegna né è tenuta a utilizzare un organismo alternativo di risoluzione delle controversie ai sensi della Direttiva 2013/11/UE per risolvere le controversie con i consumatori. La piattaforma di risoluzione online delle controversie della Commissione europea non è disponibile per i residenti in Svizzera o nel Regno Unito.

La Sezione 25 dei presenti Termini include una convenzione di arbitrato e una rinuncia all'azione collettiva da applicare a tutte le rivendicazioni intentate contro Airbnb negli Stati Uniti. Ti preghiamo di leggerle con attenzione.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 gennaio 2024

Grazie per aver scelto di utilizzare Airbnb!

I presenti Termini del servizio per utenti europei ("Termini") costituiscono un accordo giuridicamente vincolante tra te e Airbnb, che regola il tuo diritto di utilizzare i siti web, le applicazioni e le altre offerte di Airbnb (collettivamente, la "Piattaforma Airbnb"). Quando utilizzati nei presenti Termini, "Airbnb", "noi", "ci" o "nostro" si riferiscono all'entità Airbnb di cui all'Allegato 1 con cui stai stipulando un accordo.

La Piattaforma Airbnb offre un luogo online che consente agli utenti ("Membri") di pubblicare, offrire, cercare e prenotare servizi. I membri che pubblicano e offrono servizi sono gli "Host", mentre i membri che cercano, prenotano o utilizzano i servizi sono gli "Ospiti". Gli Host propongono alloggi ("Alloggi"), attività, escursioni ed eventi ("Esperienze"), nonché una varietà di servizi di viaggio e altro tipo (collettivamente, "Servizi dell'Host"), e ciascuna offerta di Servizi dell'Host costituisce un "Annuncio". In qualità di fornitore della Piattaforma Airbnb, Airbnb non possiede, controlla, offre né gestisce alcun Annuncio, Servizio dell'Host o servizio turistico. Airbnb non è una parte contraente degli accordi stipulati direttamente tra Host e Ospiti, né un agente immobiliare, un'agenzia di viaggio, un assicuratore o un organizzatore o venditore di pacchetti turistici ai sensi della direttiva (UE) 2015/2302. Airbnb non agisce in qualità di agente per alcun Membro, fatta eccezione per quanto specificato nei Termini di Pagamento ("Termini di Pagamento"). Per scoprire di più sul ruolo di Airbnb, consulta la Sezione 17.

Altri termini e politiche integrano i presenti Termini, come la nostra Informativa sulla privacy, che descrive il modo in cui raccogliamo e utilizziamo i dati personali, e i nostri Termini di Pagamento, che regolano qualsiasi servizio di pagamento fornito ai Membri dalle società di pagamento di Airbnb (collettivamente "Airbnb Payments").

Termini per gli Ospiti

1. Cercare e prenotare su Airbnb

1.1 Ricerca

Puoi cercare i Servizi dell'Host utilizzando criteri come il tipo di servizio, la tipologia di annuncio, la destinazione del viaggio, le date di viaggio e il numero di ospiti. Puoi anche applicare filtri per delimitare i risultati di ricerca, che si basano sulla rilevanza e su altri parametri. La rilevanza è data da fattori come prezzo, disponibilità, recensioni, assistenza clienti, cronologia delle cancellazioni, popolarità, viaggi precedenti, Annunci salvati, requisiti dell'Host (ad esempio il numero minimo o massimo di notti) e altro ancora. Per scoprire di più sui risultati di ricerca, consulta la Sezione 5.3 o visita il Centro Assistenza.

1.2 Prenotazione

Quando prenoti l'alloggio di un Annuncio, accetti di pagare tutti gli addebiti per la tua prenotazione, inclusi il prezzo indicato nell'Annuncio, i costi applicabili come ad esempio i costi del servizio di Airbnb, i costi al di fuori della piattaforma, le imposte e qualsiasi altra voce indicata al momento del pagamento (collettivamente, "Prezzo totale"). Se scegli di pagare utilizzando una valuta diversa da quella impostata dall'Host per il suo Annuncio, il prezzo mostrato si basa su un tasso di conversione stabilito da noi. Quando ricevi la conferma della prenotazione, viene stipulato un accordo per i Servizi dell'Host (una "Prenotazione") direttamente tra te e l'Host. In aggiunta ai presenti Termini, si applicheranno tutti i termini della Prenotazione e sarà tua responsabilità rispettarli, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, i termini di cancellazione e ulteriori regole, standard, politiche o requisiti applicabili alla Prenotazione identificati nell'Annuncio o durante la procedura di pagamento. È tua responsabilità leggere e comprendere tali regole, standard, politiche e requisiti prima di prenotare l'alloggio di un Annuncio. Ricorda che alcuni Host lavorano con un co-host o come parte di un team per fornire Servizi dell'Host.

1.3 Prenotazione di un Alloggio

La Prenotazione di un Alloggio costituisce una licenza limitata ad accedere, occupare e utilizzare tale Alloggio. L'Host si riserva il diritto di accedere all'Alloggio durante il tuo soggiorno, nella misura in cui ciò sia: (i) ragionevolmente necessario, (ii) consentito ai sensi del contratto con l'Host e (iii) permesso dalla legge applicabile. Se rimani nell'Alloggio oltre l'orario di check-out, l'Host ha il diritto di indurti a vacarlo conformemente alla legge in vigore, ad esempio imponendo ragionevoli penalità per la permanenza oltre il termine del soggiorno. Non puoi superare il numero massimo di Ospiti consentito.

1.4 Prenotazioni di Esperienze e altri Servizi dell'Host

La Prenotazione di un'Esperienza o di un altro Servizio dell'Host ti autorizza a partecipare, sfruttare o utilizzare tale Esperienza o Servizio dell'Host. Sei responsabile di confermare che tu e chiunque inviti rispettiate i requisiti di età minima, abilità e idoneità fisica o di altro tipo. È tua responsabilità informare l'Host di qualsiasi patologia o condizione fisica o di altre circostanze che possano influire sulla tua capacità di partecipare, sfruttare o utilizzare l'Esperienza o il Servizio dell'Host. Salvo ove espressamente autorizzato, non puoi consentire ad altre persone di partecipare insieme a te a un'Esperienza o a un altro Servizio dell'Host, a meno che non vengano incluse come ospiti aggiuntivi durante la procedura di prenotazione.

2. Cancellazioni, Problemi di prenotazione, Rimborsi e Modifiche alle prenotazioni

2.1 Cancellazioni, Problemi di prenotazione e Rimborsi

In generale, se cancelli una Prenotazione, l'importo rimborsato è determinato in base ai termini di cancellazione applicabili. Tuttavia, in determinate situazioni, potrebbero prevalere altri termini, in base ai quali viene stabilito l'importo del rimborso. Se qualcosa al di fuori del tuo controllo ti impone di cancellare una Prenotazione, potresti avere diritto a un rimborso parziale o totale in base ai Termini delle circostanze eccezionali. Se l'Host effettua una cancellazione o si verifica un Problema di prenotazione (come definito nei nostri Termini di riprenotazione e rimborso), potresti avere diritto a ricevere assistenza per prenotare un altro Alloggio o un rimborso parziale o totale in base ai Termini di riprenotazione e rimborso. Alcune categorie di Annunci sono soggette a termini diversi; ad esempio, le Prenotazioni relative alle Esperienze sono regolate dalle Condizioni di Rimborso Ospiti per le Esperienze. Consulta tutti i Termini legali aggiuntivi o le Politiche per i dettagli su ciò che è coperto e sul rimborso previsto in ciascuna situazione. Puoi presentare ricorso rispetto a una decisione di Airbnb contattando l'Assistenza clienti.

2.2 Modifiche alle prenotazioni

Host e Ospiti sono responsabili di eventuali modifiche alle prenotazioni che accettano di apportare, direttamente o per mezzo dell'Assistenza clienti di Airbnb, tramite la Piattaforma Airbnb ("Modifiche alle prenotazioni"), e accettano di pagare eventuali importi aggiuntivi, costi o imposte associati a eventuali Modifiche alle prenotazioni.

3. Le tue responsabilità

Sei responsabile delle azioni e omissioni tue e di chiunque inviti nell'Alloggio, a cui fornisci l'accesso alla struttura, alle aree e ai servizi che l'Host e l'Ospite sono legalmente autorizzati a utilizzare ("Aree comuni") o a cui chiedi di prendere parte a qualsiasi Esperienza o altro Servizio dell'Host. Ad esempio, ciò significa che: (i) sei responsabile di lasciare un Alloggio (e i relativi beni personali) o le Aree comuni nelle condizioni riscontrate al tuo arrivo; (ii) spetta a te pagare tutti gli importi ragionevoli riconducibili a eventuali Richieste di risarcimento danni; e (iii) devi sempre agire in modo etico, trattare gli altri con rispetto e seguire le leggi vigenti. Se stai prenotando per un ospite aggiuntivo minorenne o se porti un minore a usufruire di un Servizio dell'Host, devi disporre dell'autorizzazione legale ad agire per suo conto e sei l'unica persona responsabile della supervisione di tale minore.

Termini per gli Host

4. Ospitare su Airbnb

4.1 L'Host

In qualità di Host, Airbnb ti offre il diritto di utilizzare la Piattaforma Airbnb in conformità con i presenti Termini per condividere il tuo Alloggio, la tua Esperienza o altri Servizi dell'Host con la nostra vivace community di Ospiti e ricevere un corrispettivo economico. Creare un Annuncio è facile, e sei tu che controlli il modo in cui svolgi l'attività di Host: imposta il prezzo, la disponibilità e le regole per ogni Annuncio. Se sei Business Host, ai sensi della Sezione 26, si applicano termini aggiuntivi.

4.2 Accordo con gli Ospiti

Quando accetti una richiesta di prenotazione o ricevi una conferma di prenotazione tramite la Piattaforma Airbnb, stipuli un accordo direttamente con l'Ospite e sei responsabile della fornitura dei Servizi dell'Host secondo i termini e al prezzo specificati nel tuo Annuncio. Accetti inoltre di pagare i costi applicabili, come i costi del servizio di Airbnb (e le tasse di soggiorno applicabili) per ogni prenotazione. Airbnb Payments tratterrà gli importi dovuti dal tuo compenso, salvo che non ci accordiamo per un metodo differente. Tutti i termini, le politiche o le condizioni che includi in qualsiasi accordo supplementare con gli Ospiti devono: (i) essere coerenti con i presenti Termini, i nostri Termini legali aggiuntivi, le Politiche e le informazioni fornite nel tuo Annuncio, ed (ii) essere chiaramente indicati nella descrizione del tuo Annuncio.

4.3 Indipendenza degli Host

Il tuo rapporto con Airbnb è quello di una persona fisica o giuridica indipendente e non di un dipendente, agente, joint venture o partner di Airbnb; tuttavia, Airbnb Payments agisce come agente di riscossione dei pagamenti come descritto nei Termini di Pagamento. Airbnb non dirige né controlla i tuoi Servizi dell'Host, e tu riconosci di avere piena discrezione sul se e quando fornire gli stessi, a quale prezzo e a che condizioni.

5. Gestire l'Annuncio

5.1 Creazione e gestione dell'Annuncio

La Piattaforma Airbnb fornisce strumenti che semplificano la configurazione e la gestione di un Annuncio. Il tuo Annuncio deve includere informazioni complete e accurate sui tuoi Servizi dell'Host, sui tuoi prezzi, su altri costi come le spese di pulizia, i resort fee, i costi al di fuori di Airbnb e qualsiasi regola o requisito applicabile ai tuoi Ospiti o al tuo Annuncio. Sei responsabile delle tue azioni e omissioni nonché di tenere sempre aggiornate e accurate le informazioni (inclusa la disponibilità del calendario) e i contenuti (come le foto) del tuo Annuncio. Spetta a te la responsabilità di sottoscrivere un'assicurazione adeguata per i tuoi Servizi dell'Host, e ti suggeriamo di rivedere attentamente i termini e le condizioni della polizza, come i dettagli di copertura e le esclusioni. È ammesso un solo Annuncio per Alloggio, ma puoi avere più Annunci per una singola proprietà che include più alloggi. Qualsiasi offerta di un'Esperienza è soggetta ai Termini aggiuntivi per gli host di Esperienze.

5.2 I tuoi obblighi legali

Sei responsabile della comprensione e del pieno rispetto di leggi, norme, regolamenti e contratti con terze parti applicabili ai tuoi Servizi dell'Host, quali, ad esempio, le questioni riguardanti proprietario e locatore, o le regole di associazioni di proprietari e condomini, restrizioni o divieti di subaffitto oppure affitto a breve e/o a lungo termine. In alcune città vigono regolamenti urbanistici o di altro tipo che limitano l'affitto a breve termine di immobili residenziali. Alcune autorità locali richiedono agli Host di registrarsi e ottenere un permesso o una licenza prima di fornire determinati Servizi dell'Host (come affitti a breve termine, soggiorni a lungo termine, preparazione di cibo, vendita di bevande alcoliche, tour guidati o utilizzo di un veicolo). In alcune località, i Servizi dell'Host che desideri offrire potrebbero essere vietati del tutto. Alcune autorità locali richiedono la registrazione degli Ospiti che soggiornano nel tuo Alloggio. Altre hanno leggi che costituiscono diritti di locazione in favore degli Ospiti e impongono obblighi aggiuntivi agli Host. Ad esempio, in determinate località sono in vigore leggi sul rapporto locatore-locatario, sul controllo degli affitti e sullo sfratto, applicabili ai soggiorni a lungo termine. Verifica quali sono le regole vigenti nella tua area geografica per i Servizi dell'Host che prevedi di offrire. Le informazioni che forniamo in merito ai requisiti legali hanno finalità meramente divulgativa, e dovresti accertarti autonomamente dei tuoi obblighi. Sei responsabile della gestione e dell'utilizzo dei dati personali degli Ospiti e di altri soggetti, nel rispetto delle leggi sulla privacy applicabili e dei presenti Termini, inclusi i nostri Standard sulla privacy per gli host. Se hai domande sull'applicazione delle leggi locali, ti consigliamo di richiedere sempre un parere legale.

5.3 Risultati di ricerca

Il posizionamento e la visualizzazione degli Annunci nei risultati di ricerca sulla Piattaforma Airbnb dipendono da una serie di fattori. Tra quelli principali sono inclusi:

  • Parametri di ricerca degli Ospiti (ad esempio, numero di Ospiti, destinazione, durata del viaggio, fascia di prezzo).
  • Caratteristiche dell'Annuncio (ad esempio, posizione, prezzo, disponibilità del calendario, numero e qualità delle foto, recensioni, valutazioni e altri indicatori di qualità, tipo o categoria dei Servizi dell'Host, stato dell'Host, periodo di tempo nel quale l'Annuncio è risultato pubblicato sulla Piattaforma Airbnb, nonché coinvolgimento e popolarità rispetto agli Ospiti).
  • Esperienza dell'Ospite (ad esempio, assistenza clienti e cronologia delle cancellazioni dell'Host, nonché facilità di prenotazione).
  • Requisiti dell'Host e dell'Annuncio (ad esempio, numero minimo o massimo di notti, orario limite di prenotazione).
  • Preferenze e dati storici degli Ospiti (ad esempio, viaggi precedenti, Annunci consultati e salvati, posizione da cui l'Ospite sta effettuando la ricerca).

I risultati di ricerca possono essere diversi sull'applicazione mobile rispetto al sito web e anche differire nella consultazione della mappa. Airbnb può consentire agli Host di promuovere i propri Annunci nei risultati di ricerca o altrove sulla Piattaforma Airbnb, pagando un costo aggiuntivo. Maggiori informazioni sui fattori che determinano la modalità di visualizzazione del tuo Annuncio nei risultati di ricerca, sui nostri programmi promozionali attuali (se presenti) e su come identifichiamo i Contenuti promossi sono consultabili nel Centro Assistenza.

5.4 Le tue responsabilità

Sei responsabile delle tue azioni e omissioni e delle azioni e omissioni di chiunque inviti a partecipare o al quale fornisci Servizi dell'Host. Spetta a te la responsabilità di stabilire i prezzi, le regole e i requisiti del tuo Annuncio. Nella descrizione del tuo Annuncio devi illustrare tutti i costi e gli addebiti e non puoi riscuotere costi o addebiti aggiuntivi al di fuori della Piattaforma Airbnb, fatta eccezione per quelli espressamente indicati come costi riscuotibili al di fuori della piattaforma. Non incoraggiare gli Ospiti a creare account di terze parti, inviare recensioni, fornire le loro informazioni di contatto o intraprendere altre azioni al di fuori della Piattaforma Airbnb in violazione della nostra Politica per le attività fuori dalla piattaforma.

5.5 Ospitare come Team oppure Organizzazione

Se lavori con un co-host o come host parte di un team, di un'azienda o di un'altra organizzazione, sei responsabile in qualità di Host ai sensi dei presenti Termini per gli atti e le omissioni di ciascuna entità e individuo che partecipa con te alla fornitura dei Servizi dell'Host per ogni tuo annuncio; hai inoltre il dovere di informare dei tuoi obblighi ai sensi dei presenti Termini il personale da te incaricato di fornire qualsiasi Servizio dell'Host. Accettando termini o stipulando contratti, dichiari e garantisci di avere l'autorizzazione a stipulare contratti vincolanti per il tuo team, azienda o altra organizzazione, e che ogni entità che utilizzi è in regola con le leggi del luogo in cui ha sede. Se svolgi altre funzioni, dichiari e garantisci di avere l'autorizzazione per farlo. Se richiedi a Airbnb di trasferire una parte del tuo compenso a un co-host o ad altri Host, o di inviare pagamenti a qualcun altro, devi avere l'autorizzazione per farlo; inoltre, sei responsabile per l'importo del pagamento e l'accuratezza delle informazioni sul compenso che fornisci.

6. Cancellazioni, Problemi di prenotazione e Modifiche alle prenotazioni

6.1 Cancellazioni e Problemi di prenotazione

In generale, se un Ospite cancella una Prenotazione, l'importo a te pagato è determinato in base ai termini di cancellazione che si applicano a quella Prenotazione. Come Host, non dovresti cancellare una prenotazione di un Ospite senza un motivo valido ai sensi dei Termini delle circostanze eccezionali o della legge applicabile. Una cancellazione nei confronti di un Ospite senza un valido motivo potrebbe comportare un costo di cancellazione e altre conseguenze. Se: (i) un Ospite riscontra un Problema di prenotazione (come definito dai Termini di riprenotazione e rimborso), (ii) si verifica una Circostanza eccezionale oppure (iii) una Prenotazione viene cancellata ai sensi della Sezione 13 dei presenti Termini, il compenso a te corrisposto sarà ridotto dell'importo che rimborseremo o accrediteremo in altro modo all'Ospite e di qualsiasi altro costo ragionevole da noi sostenuto a seguito della cancellazione. Se un Ospite riceve un rimborso dopo che hai già ricevuto il pagamento, o se l'importo del rimborso e degli altri costi sostenuti da Airbnb supera il tuo compenso, Airbnb (tramite Airbnb Payments) può recuperare tale importo da te, anche detraendolo dai tuoi compensi futuri. Accetti che i Termini di riprenotazione e rimborso, i Termini delle circostanze eccezionali e i presenti Termini di Airbnb prevalgano sui termini di cancellazione che hai impostato in situazioni in cui i primi consentono la cancellazione di una Prenotazione e/o l'erogazione di rimborsi agli Ospiti. Se ci aspettiamo ragionevolmente di riconoscere un rimborso a un Ospite in base a uno di questi termini, potremmo ritardare l'erogazione di qualsiasi compenso per tale Prenotazione fino a quando non verrà presa una decisione sul rimborso. Se sei l'Host di un'Esperienza, ricorda che alle tue Prenotazioni si applicano i Termini di cancellazione delle Esperienze, le Condizioni di Rimborso Ospiti per le Esperienze e costi e conseguenze della cancellazione diversi. Consulta tutte le Politiche per i dettagli su ciò che è coperto e su quale compenso è previsto in ciascuna situazione. Puoi ricorrere contro una decisione di Airbnb contattando l'Assistenza clienti.

6.2 Modifiche alle Prenotazioni

Host e Ospiti sono responsabili di eventuali Modifiche alle prenotazioni che accettano di apportare tramite la Piattaforma Airbnb o richiedono all'Assistenza clienti di Airbnb di effettuare per loro conto e accettano di pagare eventuali importi aggiuntivi, costi o imposte associati a una Modifica alle prenotazioni.

7. Imposte

7.1 Imposte per gli Host

Come Host, sei responsabile ai sensi delle leggi applicabili di determinare e adempiere ai tuoi obblighi di indicare, riscuotere, versare o includere nel tuo prezzo qualsiasi importo IVA applicabile o altre imposte indirette, di soggiorno, turistiche, sul reddito o di altro tipo ("Imposte").

7.2 Riscossione e versamento da parte di Airbnb

Nelle giurisdizioni in cui Airbnb provvede alla riscossione e/o al versamento delle Imposte a nome degli Host, autorizzi Airbnb a riscuotere le Imposte per tuo conto e/o a versarle all'Amministrazione finanziaria competente. Eventuali Imposte raccolte e/o versate da Airbnb sono riconoscibili dai Membri nei loro registri delle transazioni, a seconda dei casi. Airbnb può richiedere importi aggiuntivi ai Membri (anche detraendoli dai compensi futuri), nel caso in cui le Imposte raccolte e/o versate siano insufficienti per adempiere pienamente agli obblighi fiscali dei Membri stessi, e tu accetti che il tuo unico rimedio per le Imposte raccolte da Airbnb sia un rimborso da parte dell'Amministrazione finanziaria competente. Riconosci e accetti che ci riserviamo il diritto, con preavviso ai Membri interessati, di cessare la riscossione e il versamento delle Imposte in qualsiasi giurisdizione, per qualunque motivo.

7.3 Informazioni fiscali

In certe giurisdizioni, le normative fiscali vigenti potrebbero richiederci di raccogliere e/o riferire Informazioni fiscali su di te, di trattenere Imposte dai compensi a te versati o entrambe le cose. Se non ci fornisci una documentazione a nostro avviso idonea a supportare tale obbligo di trattenere le Imposte sui tuoi compensi, potremmo trattenere i compensi fino all'importo dovuto come previsto per legge, finché non sarà fornita una documentazione idonea. Accetti che Airbnb possa emettere per tuo conto fatture o documentazione simile a fini dell'IVA, della GST, della tassa sui consumi o di altre imposte per i tuoi Servizi dell'Host, per facilitare l'accuratezza delle dichiarazioni fiscali.

Disposizioni generali

8. Recensioni

Dopo ogni Servizio dell'Host, Ospiti e Host avranno l'opportunità di scrivere le rispettive recensioni. La tua recensione deve essere accurata e non può contenere linguaggio discriminatorio, offensivo, diffamatorio o di qualunque altro tipo che violi i presenti Termini, la legge applicabile oppure le nostre Norme sui contenuti o i nostri Termini delle recensioni. Le Recensioni non sono verificate da Airbnb e possono quindi essere non corrette o fuorvianti.

9. Contenuti

Alcune sezioni della Piattaforma Airbnb ti consentono di fornire feedback, testi, foto, audio, video, informazioni e altri contenuti ("Contenuti"). Fornendo Contenuti, in qualsiasi forma e con qualunque mezzo, concedi a Airbnb una licenza non esclusiva, valida in tutto il mondo, esente da royalty, sublicenziabile e trasferibile, per la durata della protezione dei diritti così concessi, per accedere, usare, memorizzare, copiare, modificare, creare opere derivate, distribuire, pubblicare, trasmettere, trasmettere in streaming, diffondere e sfruttare altrimenti tali Contenuti al fine di fornire e/o promuovere la Piattaforma Airbnb in qualsiasi modo e su qualunque supporto e piattaforma, conosciuti o non conosciuti al momento dell'utilizzo e in particolare su Internet e sui social network. Se i Contenuti includono informazioni personali, detti Contenuti saranno utilizzati solo per tali finalità, se il loro uso è conforme alle leggi in materia di protezione dei dati applicabili conformemente alla nostra Informativa sulla privacy. Se Airbnb paga per la creazione di Contenuti o ne facilita la creazione, potrebbe acquisire la proprietà di tali Contenuti, nel qual caso i termini o le divulgazioni supplementari lo dichiareranno. Sei l'unica persona responsabile per tutti i Contenuti che fornisci e garantisci di averne la proprietà o di disporre dell'autorizzazione a concedere a Airbnb i diritti descritti nei presenti Termini. Sei responsabile se uno qualsiasi dei tuoi Contenuti viola o infrange le norme sulla proprietà intellettuale o sui diritti alla privacy di terzi. I contenuti devono essere conformi alle nostre Norme sui contenuti e alla nostra Politica antidiscriminatoria, che vietano, tra l'altro, contenuti discriminatori, osceni, molesti, ingannevoli, violenti e illeciti. Accetti che Airbnb possa rendere disponibili servizi o strumenti automatizzati per tradurre i tuoi Contenuti e che questi ultimi possano essere localizzati utilizzando tali servizi o strumenti. Airbnb non dà garanzie in merito all'accuratezza o alla qualità delle traduzioni, mentre sono i Membri ad avere la responsabilità di verificarne la correttezza.

10. Costi

Airbnb può addebitare a Host e Ospiti costi (e Imposte applicabili) per il diritto di utilizzare la Piattaforma Airbnb. Tutti i costi applicabili sono comunicati agli Host prima della pubblicazione di un annuncio e agli Ospiti prima di effettuare una prenotazione. Ulteriori informazioni su quando si applicano i Costi del servizio e su come essi siano calcolati sono disponibili sulla pagina dedicata. Fatto salvo per quanto diversamente previsto nella Piattaforma Airbnb, i Costi del servizio non sono rimborsabili.

11. Regole della Piattaforma Airbnb

11.1 Regole

Devi rispettare le presenti regole e non devi aiutare o indurre altri a violarle o aggirarle.

  • Agisci con integrità e tratta gli altri con rispetto.
    • Non mentire, presentare qualcosa o qualcuno in modo errato o fingere di essere un'altra persona.
    • Comunica e interagisci con gli altri in modo educato e rispettoso.
    • Non tentare di eludere l'applicazione dei presenti Termini, dei nostri Termini legali aggiuntivi, delle nostre Politiche e dei nostri Standard, ad esempio creando account o annunci duplicati.
    • Rispetta la nostra Politica antidiscriminatoria e non discriminare né molestare gli altri.
  • Non fare web-scraping, non hackerare, non decodificare, non compromettere e non danneggiare la Piattaforma Airbnb.
    • Non utilizzare bot, crawler, scraper o altri strumenti automatizzati per accedere a, raccogliere dati o altri contenuti da o interagire in altro modo con la Piattaforma Airbnb.
    • Non hackerare, aggirare, rimuovere, compromettere o altrimenti tentare di eludere qualsiasi misura di sicurezza o tecnologica utilizzata per proteggere la Piattaforma Airbnb o i Contenuti.
    • Non decifrare, decompilare, disassemblare o decodificare alcun software o hardware utilizzato per fornire la Piattaforma Airbnb.
    • Non intraprendere alcuna azione che possa danneggiare o influenzare negativamente le prestazioni o il corretto funzionamento della Piattaforma Airbnb.
  • Utilizza la Piattaforma Airbnb solo se disponi dell'autorizzazione ai sensi dei presenti Termini o di un altro accordo con noi.
    • Puoi usare le informazioni personali di un altro Membro solo se necessario per facilitare una transazione utilizzando la Piattaforma Airbnb, come autorizzato dai presenti Termini.
    • Non utilizzare la Piattaforma Airbnb, i nostri strumenti di messaggistica o le informazioni personali dei Membri per inviare messaggi commerciali senza il loro consenso esplicito.
    • Puoi usare i Contenuti resi disponibili tramite la Piattaforma Airbnb solo se necessario per consentirne l'utilizzo come Ospite oppure Host.
    • Non utilizzare i Contenuti salvo che tu non abbia l'autorizzazione della relativa persona proprietaria o se l'uso è autorizzato da noi nei presenti Termini o in un altro accordo con noi.
    • Non richiedere, effettuare o accettare prenotazioni o pagamenti al di fuori della Piattaforma Airbnb con lo scopo di evitare costi e imposte, o per qualsiasi altro motivo. Per sapere di più sulle eccezioni al riguardo, consulta questo articolo sulla riscossione dei costi al di fuori di Airbnb.
    • Non richiedere né incoraggiare gli Ospiti a creare un account, lasciare una recensione o interagire altrimenti con un sito Web, un'applicazione o un servizio di terze parti prima, durante o dopo una Prenotazione, salvo che tu non riceva l'autorizzazione da Airbnb.
    • Non intraprendere alcuna azione volta a manipolare il nostro algoritmo di ricerca.
    • Non prenotare Servizi dell'Host salvo che tu non intenda effettivamente utilizzarli.
    • Non utilizzare, copiare, mostrare, fare mirroring o framing della Piattaforma Airbnb, di qualsiasi Contenuto, marchio Airbnb, layout di pagina o design senza il nostro consenso.
  • Adempi ai tuoi obblighi legali.
    • Comprendi e rispetta le leggi che ti riguardano, tra cui quelle sulla privacy, sulla protezione dei dati e sull'esportazione.
    • Se ci fornisci le informazioni personali di qualcun altro, devi: (i) farlo in conformità con la legge applicabile, (ii) avere l'autorizzazione a farlo e (iii) autorizzarci a trattare tali informazioni ai sensi della nostra Informativa sulla privacy.
    • Leggi e segui i nostri Termini, i nostri Termini legali aggiuntivi, le nostre Politiche e i nostri Standard.
    • Non organizzare o facilitare la preparazione di feste o eventi non autorizzati. Sei responsabile di qualsiasi festa o evento che abbia luogo durante la Prenotazione e che violi le nostre regole relative a feste ed eventi, qui incorporate mediante rinvio.
    • Non utilizzare il nome, il logo, o il marchio o i marchi commerciali di Airbnb o di altri senza autorizzazione e solo come stabilito nelle nostre Linee guida sui marchi commerciali.
    • Non utilizzare o registrare alcun nome di dominio, account di social network, marchio commerciale, brand, logo o altro segno distintivo che possa essere confuso con marchi commerciali, loghi o brand di Airbnb. Consulta le nostre Linee guida sui marchi commerciali per maggiori dettagli.
    • Non offrire Servizi dell'Host che violano le leggi o gli accordi che ti riguardano.
    • Non offrire né incitare la prostituzione, e non partecipare a o favorire la tratta di esseri umani.

11.2 Segnalazione delle violazioni

Se ritieni che un Membro, un Annuncio o un Contenuto rappresenti un rischio imminente per una persona o una proprietà, dovresti contattare immediatamente le autorità locali prima di rivolgerti a Airbnb. Inoltre, se ritieni che un Membro, un Annuncio o un Contenuto abbia violato i nostri Standard, dovresti segnalare le tue perplessità a Airbnb. Se hai presentato una denuncia al riguardo alle autorità locali, Airbnb potrebbe richiedere una copia di tale denuncia. Salvo ove richiesto dalla legge, non siamo tenuti ad agire in risposta ad alcuna segnalazione.

12. Notifiche sui contenuti e moderazione degli stessi


Riconosci che Airbnb non ha alcun obbligo generale di monitorare i Contenuti forniti e archiviati per conto dei Membri o di vagliare attivamente fatti o circostanze che indichino un'attività illegale o l'incompatibilità dei Contenuti con i diritti di terzi, i presenti Termini o le Politiche e gli Standard di Airbnb. Tuttavia, Airbnb si riserva il diritto di condurre indagini volontarie di propria iniziativa per rilevare, identificare e rimuovere o disabilitare l'accesso a Contenuti illegali o incompatibili, nonché di adottare tutte le misure necessarie conformemente ai presenti Termini.


Accetti di collaborare con e assistere Airbnb in buona fede e di fornire a quest'ultima le informazioni e intraprendere le azioni che possano essere ragionevolmente richieste da Airbnb, in relazione a qualsiasi indagine intrapresa dalla stessa, per quanto riguarda i Contenuti o la Piattaforma Airbnb oppure l'uso o abuso della Piattaforma Airbnb.


Airbnb fornisce ai Membri e a terzi, inclusi i segnalatori attendibili designati ai sensi dell'articolo 22 del Regolamento (UE) 2022/2065 ("Segnalatori"), i mezzi per notificare a Airbnb i Contenuti presumibilmente illegali (comprese le violazioni del diritto d'autore) sulla Piattaforma Airbnb utilizzando il modulo di notifica elettronica ("Notifica sui contenuti"). Per ulteriori informazioni su come segnalare i Contenuti, visita il Centro Assistenza.


Nell'ambito delle indagini effettuate di propria iniziativa e della verifica delle Notifiche sui contenuti, Airbnb segue varie procedure e impiega diversi strumenti per identificare, esaminare e moderare i Contenuti. Ciò può includere controlli sia manuali che automatizzati, o una combinazione di entrambi. Se sono stati utilizzati mezzi automatizzati per esaminare i Contenuti e Airbnb ha successivamente intrapreso azioni in relazione a tali Contenuti, Airbnb informerà il Membro che ha pubblicato i Contenuti dell'uso di mezzi automatizzati nella misura in cui gli interessi legittimi di Airbnb e dei suoi Membri non precludano tale comunicazione.

12.5 Uso improprio delle Notifiche sui contenuti

Airbnb ha il diritto di sospendere l'elaborazione delle Notifiche sui contenuti per un periodo di tempo ragionevole, se il Segnalatore in questione invia frequentemente segnalazioni manifestamente infondate. Se del caso, Airbnb farà precedere la sospensione da un avviso. Nello stabilire o meno se procedere con una sospensione, Airbnb terrà conto di tutti i fatti e le circostanze rilevanti risultanti dalle informazioni a disposizione di Airbnb, tra cui (i) la quantità, la gravità e la frequenza delle segnalazioni infondate; (ii) il rapporto tra le segnalazioni infondate e tutte le altre del Segnalatore; e (iii) le intenzioni perseguite dal Segnalatore, nella misura in cui possano essere determinate da Airbnb.

13. Risoluzione, sospensione e altre misure

13.1 Durata

L'accordo tra te e Airbnb di cui ai presenti Termini rimane in vigore fino alla sua risoluzione da parte tua o di Airbnb in conformità ai presenti Termini.

13.2 Risoluzione

Puoi risolvere il presente accordo in qualsiasi momento inviandoci un'email o eliminando il tuo account. Airbnb può risolvere il presente accordo per qualsiasi motivo con un preavviso di 30 giorni via email o agli altri recapiti forniti per il tuo account. Airbnb può altresì risolvere il presente accordo immediatamente e senza preavviso e interrompere l'accesso alla Piattaforma Airbnb se (i) violi in modo sostanziale i presenti Termini o i nostri Termini legali aggiuntivi o le nostre Politiche, (ii) violi le leggi applicabili, (iii) tale azione è necessaria per proteggere l'integrità personale o la proprietà di Airbnb, dei suoi Membri o di terze parti (ad esempio in caso di comportamento fraudolento di un Membro) o (iv) il tuo account è inattivo da più di 2 anni.

13.3 Violazioni dei Membri

Se (i) violi i presenti Termini, i nostri Termini legali aggiuntivi, le nostre Politiche o i nostri Standard, (ii) infrangi leggi, regolamenti o diritti di terze parti applicabili, (iii) fornisci Contenuti illegali o incompatibili con i presenti Termini, (iv) hai ricevuto ripetutamente recensioni pessime o Airbnb altrimenti viene a conoscenza o riceve reclami sulla tua prestazione o condotta, (vi) hai ripetutamente cancellato prenotazioni confermate o non hai risposto a richieste di prenotazione senza un motivo valido o (vii) tale azione è necessaria per proteggere la sicurezza personale o la proprietà di Airbnb, dei suoi Membri o di terze parti, Airbnb può:

  • Sospendere o limitare il tuo accesso a o utilizzo della Piattaforma Airbnb e/o del tuo account.
  • Sospendere, rimuovere, disabilitare l'accesso o limitare la visibilità di Annunci, recensioni o altri Contenuti.
  • Cancellare prenotazioni in sospeso o confermate.
  • Sospendere o revocare qualsiasi stato speciale associato al tuo account.

In caso di violazioni non sostanziali o laddove altrimenti opportuno, Airbnb ti comunicherà qualsiasi misura che intende adottare e ti darà l'opportunità di risolvere il problema, a meno che tale notifica (i) impedisca oppure ostacoli l'accertamento o la prevenzione di frodi o altre attività illecite, (ii) danneggi i legittimi interessi di altri Membri o di terzi o (iii) violi le leggi applicabili.

Qualora adottassimo una di tali misure, Airbnb, ove richiesto, ti informerà al riguardo, indicandoti una motivazione in conformità con i suoi obblighi legali.

13.4 Ordini dell'autorità

Airbnb può intraprendere qualsiasi azione ritenga ragionevolmente necessaria per rispettare la legge applicabile o l'ordine o la richiesta di un tribunale, delle forze dell'ordine o di un'altra agenzia amministrativa o entità governativa, incluse le misure sopra descritte nella Sezione 13.3.

13.5 Effetti della risoluzione

Se sei Host e chiudi il tuo account Airbnb, qualsiasi prenotazione confermata verrà automaticamente cancellata e i tuoi Ospiti riceveranno un rimborso completo. Se elimini l'account Airbnb come Ospite, qualsiasi prenotazione confermata verrà automaticamente cancellata e l'eventuale rimborso dipenderà dai termini di cancellazione applicabili al relativo Annuncio. A seguito della risoluzione del presente accordo, non avrai diritto al ripristino del tuo account o dei suoi Contenuti. Qualora l'accesso a o l'utilizzo della Piattaforma Airbnb da parte tua sia stato limitato, o se il tuo account Airbnb è stato sospeso o il presente accordo risolto su nostra iniziativa, non potrai creare un nuovo account Airbnb né accedere a e utilizzare la Piattaforma Airbnb attraverso l'account Airbnb di un altro Membro.

14. Sistema di gestione dei reclami


Se sei Membro, hai la residenza o la sede legale nel SEE e Airbnb adotta una qualsiasi delle misure di cui alla Sezione 13.3 sulla base del fatto che i Contenuti da te forniti sono illegali o incompatibili con questi Termini, puoi presentare un reclamo contro tale misura attraverso il nostro sistema interno di gestione dei reclami. Per ulteriori informazioni su come inviare un reclamo, visita il Centro Assistenza.


Il sistema di gestione dei reclami di Airbnb è disponibile anche per i Membri e le terze parti con residenza o sede legale in un paese del SEE che hanno inviato una Notifica sui contenuti ai sensi della Sezione 12.3 dei presenti Termini, se la segnalazione è stata respinta in toto o in parte da Airbnb.


Puoi presentare un reclamo tramite il sistema di gestione dedicato entro sei (6) mesi dalla data di inizio del caso, come definita nella Sezione 14.1, ossia il giorno in cui un Membro è informato sulla misura adottata, o nella Sezione 14.2, ovvero il giorno in cui il Segnalatore è informato del rifiuto della propria Notifica sui contenuti.


Airbnb ha il diritto di sospendere l'elaborazione dei reclami da parte dei Membri e dei Segnalatori per un periodo di tempo ragionevole, se il Membro o il Segnalatore in questione presenta frequentemente reclami manifestamente infondati. Se del caso, Airbnb farà precedere la sospensione da un avviso. Nello stabilire o meno se procedere con una sospensione, Airbnb tiene conto di tutti i fatti e le circostanze rilevanti risultanti dalle informazioni a disposizione di Airbnb, tra cui (i) la quantità, la gravità e la frequenza dei reclami infondati; (ii) il rapporto tra i reclami infondati e tutti i reclami; e (iii) le intenzioni perseguite dal Membro o dal Segnalatore, nella misura in cui possano essere determinate da Airbnb.


I Membri destinatari di misure ai sensi della Sezione 14.1 e i Segnalatori che hanno inviato Notifiche sui contenuti respinte da Airbnb hanno il diritto di selezionare un organismo di risoluzione extragiudiziale delle controversie, certificato ai sensi dell'articolo 21 del Regolamento (UE) 2022/2065, al fine di risolvere le controversie relative a tali misure, compresi i reclami che non sono stati risolti tramite il nostro sistema di gestione dedicato. Entrambe le parti si impegneranno, in buona fede, con l'organo di risoluzione delle controversie selezionato per consentire a questo di portare a termine il suo compito. Airbnb si riserva il diritto di rifiutare di collaborare con l'organo di risoluzione delle controversie se un caso relativo allo stesso Contenuto e ai motivi di presunta illegittimità del Contenuto o alla sua presunta incoerenza con i presenti Termini è già stato risolto o è già oggetto di una procedura in corso dinanzi a un tribunale o altro organo di risoluzione extragiudiziale delle controversie competente.


Per tutti gli altri reclami e richieste che non sono soggetti al sistema di gestione dedicato di Airbnb, i Membri possono contattare l'Assistenza clienti.

15. Modifiche dei presenti Termini

Quando proponiamo modifiche sostanziali ai presenti Termini, pubblicheremo i Termini rettificati sulla Piattaforma Airbnb e aggiorneremo la data di "Ultimo aggiornamento" all'inizio degli stessi. Ti comunicheremo le modifiche proposte tramite email, la Piattaforma Airbnb, il servizio di messaggistica o qualsiasi altro metodo di contatto da noi messo a disposizione e da te selezionato, almeno trenta (30) giorni prima della data di entrata in vigore delle stesse. Se le modifiche ai presenti Termini da noi proposte sono sostanziali, ti verrà richiesto di accettare esplicitamente i Termini rettificati. Tale avviso ti informerà inoltre del tuo diritto di rifiutare le modifiche proposte, del termine entro cui farlo e del tuo diritto di risolvere l'Accordo in qualsiasi momento prima della data di entrata in vigore delle modifiche proposte come previsto nei presenti Termini. In caso di (i) modifiche non sostanziali ai presenti Termini che non incidono sulle sue disposizioni essenziali quali, in particolare, le disposizioni che definiscono la natura e la portata dei servizi forniti da Airbnb, o di (ii) modifiche richieste dalla legge, da una decisione giudiziaria legalmente vincolante o da un ordine vincolante di un'autorità competente, il tuo utilizzo continuato della Piattaforma Airbnb dopo la data di entrata in vigore delle modifiche proposte costituirà accettazione dei Termini rettificati.

16. Risoluzione di reclami e richieste di risarcimento danni tra Membri


Se un Membro fornisce una prova valida che tu, i tuoi ospiti o i tuoi animali domestici avete colpevolmente:

(i) Danneggiato i beni materiali o personali del Membro che ha presentato il reclamo, o del proprietario dell'Alloggio (laddove non sia l'Host), o i beni materiali o personali di cui il Membro che ha presentato il reclamo è responsabile, o ha un interesse economico.

(ii) Causato un mancato guadagno per prenotazioni sulla Piattaforma Airbnb o altri danni indiretti, che derivano direttamente da quelli causati ai sensi del precedente punto (i).

(iii) Altrimenti causato al Membro che ha presentato il reclamo il sostenimento di costi per le spese di pulizia superiori a quelli previsti (ciascuno dei punti (i), (ii) e (iii) costituisce la base per una "Richiesta di risarcimento danni").

Il Membro che ha presentato il reclamo può informare Airbnb e/o chiedere un risarcimento attraverso il Centro Soluzioni. Riceverai una notifica della Richiesta di risarcimento danni e avrai la possibilità di rispondere. Se accetti di pagare, autorizzi Airbnb, tramite Airbnb Payments, a riscuotere da te l'importo della Richiesta di risarcimento danni.


Se l'Host e l'Ospite non raggiungono un accordo, o l'Ospite non soddisfa una Richiesta di risarcimento danni, l'Host può informare Airbnb tramite il Centro Soluzioni secondo le Condizioni della Protezione danni per host e chiedere un risarcimento. Airbnb esaminerà la Richiesta di risarcimento danni e chiederà all'Host di fornire qualsiasi prova necessaria (ad esempio attraverso idonei documenti, foto, fatture o perizie di terzi) che giustifichi la Richiesta di risarcimento danni e il relativo importo. L'Ospite avrà la possibilità di rispondere e fornire qualsiasi controprova pertinente. Se Airbnb determina, in considerazione delle prove fornite, delle Condizioni della Protezione danni per host e delle norme di legge applicabili sull'onere della prova, che l'Ospite è responsabile per la Richiesta di risarcimento danni, Airbnb (tramite Airbnb Payments) pagherà la Richiesta di risarcimento danni all'Host. Se Airbnb paga la Richiesta di risarcimento danni all'Host, Airbnb può riscuotere il relativo importo dall'Ospite, anche addebitando sul Metodo di pagamento di questa persona un importo massimo di 500 USD. Airbnb può inoltre agire per recuperare gli importi di una Richiesta di risarcimento danni, comprese le somme superiori all'importo massimo applicabile per l'addebito sul Metodo di pagamento dell'Ospite, contro qualsiasi Ospite, avvalendosi di qualunque rimedio disponibile ai sensi della legge applicabile, incluso il deferimento della questione a un'agenzia di riscossione crediti e/o il perseguimento delle azioni e/o pretese disponibili contro un Ospite. I Membri possono presentare ricorso contro una decisione di Airbnb contattando l'Assistenza clienti. Nei rapporti fra i Membri e Airbnb, l'onere della prova per quanto riguarda la Richiesta di risarcimento danni e l'importo della suddetta è sempre a carico di Airbnb.


Accetti di collaborare in buona fede, fornire qualsiasi informazione richiesta da Airbnb, stipulare documenti e intraprendere ulteriori azioni ragionevoli, in relazione a Richieste di risarcimento danni, Reclami dei membri, richieste di risarcimento ai sensi di polizze assicurative o altri reclami relativi alla tua fornitura o all'utilizzo dei Servizi dell'Host.


Qualsiasi decisione presa da Airbnb in relazione a una Richiesta di risarcimento non ha ripercussioni sui tuoi diritti contrattuali e ai sensi di legge. Il tuo diritto di promuovere azioni in giudizio rimane invariato.

17. Ruolo di Airbnb

Ti forniamo il diritto di utilizzare una piattaforma che consente ai Membri di pubblicare, offrire, cercare e prenotare Servizi dell'Host. Quando i Membri effettuano o accettano una prenotazione, stipulano un accordo direttamente tra loro. Airbnb non è né diventa una parte o altro partecipante in alcun rapporto contrattuale tra i Membri. Airbnb non agisce in qualità di agente per alcun Membro, fatto salvo il caso in cui Airbnb Payments agisca da agente di riscossione, come previsto nei Termini di Pagamento. Pur impegnandoci a fondo per garantire che i Membri abbiano esperienze positive con Airbnb, non controlliamo né possiamo controllare la condotta o le prestazioni di Ospiti e Host e non garantiamo (i) l'esistenza, la qualità, la sicurezza, l'idoneità o la legalità di alcun Annuncio o Servizio dell'Host né (ii) la veridicità o l'accuratezza di qualsiasi descrizione di un Annuncio, di una recensione o di un altro Contenuto fornito dai Membri. Riconosci che Airbnb ha il diritto di esaminare, disabilitare l'accesso, rimuovere o modificare i Contenuti per: (i) gestire, proteggere e migliorare la Piattaforma Airbnb (anche a fini di prevenzione delle frodi, valutazione dei rischi, indagine e assistenza clienti); (ii) garantire il rispetto dei presenti Termini da parte dei Membri; (iii) rispettare la legge applicabile o l'ordine o la richiesta di un tribunale, delle forze dell'ordine o di un'altra agenzia amministrativa o ente governativo; (iv) trattare i Contenuti dei Membri che ritiene dannosi o discutibili; (v) intraprendere azioni stabilite nei presenti Termini; e (vi) mantenere e far rispettare qualsiasi criterio di qualità o idoneità, anche rimuovendo Annunci che non soddisfano i criteri di qualità e idoneità. Se rimuoviamo o disabilitiamo un Contenuto, lo comunicheremo al Membro interessato e forniremo le ragioni di detta misura, salvo che tale comunicazione (i) impedisca oppure ostacoli l'accertamento o la prevenzione di frodi o altre attività illecite, (ii) danneggi i legittimi interessi di altri Membri o di terzi oppure (ii) violi le leggi applicabili.

18. Account dei Membri

Devi registrare un account per accedere a e utilizzare molte funzionalità della Piattaforma Airbnb. La registrazione è consentita solo alle persone giuridiche, alle società di persone e alle persone fisiche che abbiano compiuto 18 anni. Se sei Business Host, ai sensi della Sezione 26, si applicano termini aggiuntivi. Dichiari e garantisci di non essere una persona fisica o giuridica alla quale sia vietato utilizzare la Piattaforma Airbnb, ai sensi delle leggi degli Stati Uniti, del tuo luogo di residenza o di qualsiasi altra giurisdizione applicabile. Devi fornire informazioni accurate, aggiornate e complete durante la registrazione e mantenere aggiornate le informazioni del tuo account. Non puoi trasferire il tuo account ad altre persone. Sei responsabile di mantenere la riservatezza e la sicurezza delle credenziali di accesso del tuo account, e non puoi divulgarle a terzi. Devi informare immediatamente Airbnb se sospetti che le tue credenziali siano state perse oppure rubate o che il tuo account sia altrimenti compromesso. Sei responsabile per tutte le attività svolte nell'ambito del tuo Account Airbnb, a meno che tali attività non siano state realizzate senza la tua autorizzazione e tu non sia altrimenti negligente (ad esempio, non segnalando l'uso non autorizzato o la perdita delle tue credenziali). Se e come consentito dalla legge applicabile, potremmo, senza esservi obbligati: (i) chiederti di fornire informazioni di identificazione o di altro tipo; (ii) effettuare controlli volti a verificare la tua identità o i tuoi precedenti penali; (iii) confrontare i tuoi dati con le banche dati di terze parti o altre fonti e richiedere segnalazioni da fornitori di servizi; e (iv) ottenere segnalazioni da casellari giudiziali o registri di reati sessuali o loro equivalenti locali.

19. Esclusione di responsabilità

Non approviamo né garantiamo l'esistenza, la condotta, le prestazioni, la sicurezza, la qualità, la legalità o l'idoneità di alcun Ospite, Host, Servizio dell'Host, Annuncio o terza parte e non garantiamo che la verifica, i controlli di identità o dei precedenti personali condotti sui Membri (laddove possibile) rilevino comportamenti scorretti passati o ne impediscano di futuri. Qualsiasi riferimento a un Membro "verificato" (o termine simile) indica solo che il Membro o Airbnb ha completato una procedura di verifica o identificazione pertinente e nient'altro. Non siamo responsabili per le interruzioni o i malfunzionamenti di Internet e dell'infrastruttura delle telecomunicazioni che esulano dal nostro controllo e possono determinare interruzioni nella disponibilità della Piattaforma Airbnb. Airbnb può limitare, temporaneamente e tenendo conto dei legittimi interessi dei Membri (ad es. mediante preavviso), la disponibilità della Piattaforma Airbnb o di determinate funzionalità della stessa qualora ciò sia necessario in considerazione di limiti di capacità, della sicurezza o integrità dei nostri server o per eseguire interventi di manutenzione volti a garantire il corretto o migliorato funzionamento della Piattaforma Airbnb.

20. Responsabilità


Airbnb è responsabile, senza limitazioni ai sensi delle disposizioni di legge, per i danni all'incolumità, all'integrità fisica o alla salute derivanti da una violazione colposa o intenzionale degli obblighi di Airbnb stessa o dei propri rappresentanti legali o agenti delegati. Lo stesso vale per le garanzie rilasciate o qualsiasi altra responsabilità oggettiva.


Airbnb è inoltre responsabile, senza limitazioni, per altri danni derivanti da una violazione intenzionale o per negligenza grave degli obblighi di Airbnb stessa o dei propri rappresentanti legali o agenti delegati.


Airbnb non è responsabile per danni derivanti da una violazione degli obblighi basata su semplice negligenza.


La Sezione 20.3 non si applica ai danni derivanti da violazioni di obblighi contrattuali essenziali basate su semplice negligenza. Per tali danni da parte di Airbnb, dei suoi rappresentanti legali o di altri agenti delegati, la responsabilità di Airbnb è limitata ai danni prevedibili che si verificano tipicamente. Per obblighi contrattuali essenziali si intendono i doveri di Airbnb sul cui corretto adempimento fai normalmente affidamento e su cui devi confidare per la corretta esecuzione dell'accordo.


Qualsiasi responsabilità ulteriore di Airbnb è esclusa. Nella misura in cui la responsabilità di Airbnb è esclusa o limitata, ciò vale anche per quanto riguarda la responsabilità personale dei suoi rappresentanti legali, dipendenti e altri agenti.

21. Indennizzo

Nella misura massima consentita dalla legge applicabile, accetti di esonerare, difendere (a discrezione di Airbnb), indennizzare e manlevare Airbnb (ivi inclusi Airbnb Payments, altre affiliate e il loro personale) da e contro eventuali richieste di risarcimento, responsabilità, danni, perdite e spese, tra cui, ma non solo, costi ragionevoli a livello legale e contabile, derivanti da o in qualsiasi modo correlati a: (i) una tua violazione dei presenti Termini (tra cui eventuali termini supplementari o aggiuntivi che si applicano a un prodotto o a una funzione) o dei nostri Termini legali aggiuntivi, delle nostre Politiche o dei nostri Standard; (ii) il tuo utilizzo improprio della Piattaforma Airbnb; (iii) la tua interazione con qualsiasi Membro, il tuo soggiorno in un Alloggio, la tua partecipazione a un'Esperienza o l'utilizzo di altri Servizi dell'Host, che causano, a titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, eventuali lesioni, perdite o danni (compensativi, diretti, indiretti, consequenziali o di altra natura) di qualsiasi tipo che derivino da o siano il risultato di tale interazione, soggiorno, partecipazione o utilizzo; (iv) la mancata dichiarazione, riscossione o remissione da parte tua o da parte nostra su tua richiesta delle Imposte dovute; o (v) una tua violazione di qualsiasi legge, regolamento o diritto di terzi, come la proprietà intellettuale o i diritti alla privacy. L'obbligo di indennizzo si applica solo se e nella misura in cui fra le rivendicazioni, le responsabilità, i danni, le perdite e le spese e il colpevole inadempimento di un obbligo contrattuale da parte tua sussista un sufficiente nesso causale.

22. Parti contraenti

A seconda del tuo paese di residenza o sede legale e al tipo di attività che svolgi sulla Piattaforma Airbnb, l'Allegato 1 di seguito stabilisce l'entità Airbnb con cui stai stipulando un accordo. Se attraverso la Piattaforma Airbnb identifichiamo un'entità Airbnb diversa da quella indicata nell'Allegato 1 come responsabile di un prodotto, di una funzione o di una transazione, tale entità Airbnb così identificata sarà la parte contraente in relazione a tale prodotto, funzione o transazione. Se cambi il tuo paese di residenza o sede legale in un paese al di fuori del SEE, della Svizzera o del Regno Unito, la società Airbnb con cui stipuli un accordo e i Termini del servizio applicabili saranno determinati dal tuo nuovo paese di residenza o sede legale, a decorrere dalla data in cui avviene il cambio del tuo paese di residenza o sede legale.

23. Legge applicabile e foro competente

I presenti Termini sono governati da e interpretati in conformità con la legge irlandese. Se agisci in qualità di consumatore e se le norme di legge a protezione dei consumatori vigenti nel tuo paese di residenza contengono disposizioni per te più vantaggiose, queste ultime si applicheranno indipendentemente dalla scelta della legge irlandese. In qualità di consumatore, puoi sottoporre i procedimenti relativi ai presenti Termini solo al tribunale competente del tuo luogo di residenza o a quello della sede legale di Airbnb in Irlanda. Qualora Airbnb intenda far valere i suoi diritti nei tuoi confronti in qualità di consumatore, potrà farlo solo dinanzi ai tribunali della giurisdizione in cui tu sei residente. Se invece agisci come un'azienda, accetti di sottoporti alla giurisdizione esclusiva dei tribunali irlandesi.

24. Varie

24.1 Altri termini incorporati mediante rinvio

La Protezione danni per host, l'Assicurazione per gli host in Giappone, i Termini di riprenotazione e rimborso, le Condizioni di rimborso ospiti per le Esperienze, la Politica sui contenuti, la Politica antidiscriminatoria, i Termini delle circostanze eccezionali, i Termini legali aggiuntivi, le Politiche, gli Standard e altri termini e politiche supplementari relativi ai presenti Termini si applicano al tuo utilizzo della Piattaforma Airbnb, sono incorporati mediante rinvio e fanno parte del tuo accordo con Airbnb.

24.2 Interpretazione dei presenti Termini

Salvo ove integrati da termini, condizioni, politiche, linee guida, standard e divulgazioni interne al prodotto, i presenti Termini costituiscono l'intero accordo tra te e Airbnb in merito al tuo accesso a o utilizzo della Piattaforma Airbnb, e sostituiscono qualsiasi precedente accordo o intesa, in forma orale o scritta, tra te e Airbnb. I presenti Termini non conferiscono né sono destinati a conferire diritti o rimedi a soggetti diversi da te e Airbnb. Se una qualsiasi clausola dei presenti Termini dovesse essere ritenuta non valida o non applicabile, salvo quanto diversamente indicato nella successiva Sezione 24.11, verrà eliminata e non pregiudicherà la validità e l'applicabilità delle restanti disposizioni.

24.3 Nessuna rinuncia

La mancata applicazione da parte di Airbnb di misure volte a far rispettare qualsiasi diritto o disposizione dei presenti Termini non costituirà una rinuncia a tale diritto o disposizione, salvo ove ciò non sia riconosciuto e accettato da Airbnb per iscritto. Fatto salvo quanto espressamente esposto nei presenti Termini, l'esercizio di una delle parti di uno qualsiasi dei rimedi a sua disposizione previsti dai presenti Termini lascerà impregiudicati gli altri rimedi previsti dai presenti Termini o altrimenti consentiti dalla legge.

24.4 Cessione

Non puoi cedere, trasferire né delegare il presente accordo o i tuoi diritti e obblighi ivi previsti senza il previo consenso scritto di Airbnb. Airbnb si riserva il diritto, a propria esclusiva discrezione e senza limitazioni, di cedere, trasferire o delegare il presente accordo e qualsiasi suo diritto e obbligo qui previsto dandone preavviso di 30 giorni. Il tuo diritto di risolvere il presente accordo in qualsiasi momento ai sensi della Sezione 13.2 rimane inalterato.

24.5 Avvisi

Salvo ove diversamente previsto, tutti gli avvisi o altre comunicazioni ai Membri che siano consentiti o previsti dal presente accordo, saranno inviati elettronicamente da Airbnb tramite email, notifica sulla Piattaforma Airbnb o servizio di messaggistica (tra cui SMS e WeChat) oppure tramite qualsiasi metodo di contatto di cui ti consentiamo l'utilizzo. Se una notifica riguarda una prenotazione o un Annuncio in Giappone, accetti e riconosci che tali notifiche tramite mezzi elettronici, in luogo di una dichiarazione scritta, soddisfano gli obblighi di Airbnb ai sensi dell'Articolo 59 (1) della legge giapponese sull'affitto temporaneo di alloggi privati.

24.6 Servizi di terzi

La Piattaforma Airbnb può contenere link a siti web, applicazioni, servizi o risorse di terze parti ("Servizi di terzi") che sono soggetti a diversi termini e pratiche sulla privacy. Airbnb non è responsabile per alcun aspetto di tali Servizi di terzi, e i link agli stessi non costituiscono una sponsorizzazione.

24.7 Termini di Google

Alcune traduzioni sulla Piattaforma Airbnb sono fornite da Google, che non rilascia alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, relativamente alle traduzioni, incluse eventuali garanzie di accuratezza, affidabilità e qualsiasi garanzia implicita di commerciabilità, idoneità per uno scopo particolare e assenza di violazione. Alcune sezioni della Piattaforma Airbnb implementano i servizi di mappatura Google Maps/Earth, tra cui le interfacce di programmazione delle applicazioni (API) di Google Maps. L'utilizzo di Google Maps/Earth è soggetto ai Termini di servizio aggiuntivi di Google Maps/Google Earth.

24.8 Termini di Apple

Se accedi a o scarichi la nostra applicazione dall'App Store di Apple, accetti l'Accordo di licenza per utenti finali per le applicazioni concesse in licenza da Apple.

24.9 Contenuti della Piattaforma Airbnb

I Contenuti resi disponibili attraverso la Piattaforma Airbnb potrebbero essere protetti da diritto d'autore, marchio commerciale e/o altre leggi degli Stati Uniti e di altri paesi. Riconosci che tutti i diritti di proprietà intellettuale su tali Contenuti sono di proprietà esclusiva di Airbnb e/o dei suoi concessori di licenza e accetti di non rimuovere, alterare né oscurare alcun diritto d'autore, marchio commerciale, marchio di servizio o altri indicatori di diritti di proprietà. Non puoi utilizzare, copiare, adattare, modificare, creare opere derivate da, distribuire, concedere in licenza, vendere, trasferire, mostrare o eseguire pubblicamente, trasmettere, diffondere o sfruttare altrimenti eventuali Contenuti ottenuti tramite la Piattaforma Airbnb, salvo il caso in cui tali Contenuti siano di tua legittima proprietà o se espressamente consentito nei presenti Termini. In conformità con i presenti Termini, Airbnb ti concede una licenza limitata, revocabile, non esclusiva, non sublicenziabile e non trasferibile per: (i) scaricare e utilizzare l'Applicazione sul tuo dispositivo personale; e (ii) accedere a e visualizzare qualsiasi Contenuto reso disponibile su o attraverso la Piattaforma Airbnb e accessibile, esclusivamente per uso personale e non commerciale.

24.10 Airbnb.org

Airbnb.org è una società senza fini di lucro, esente da imposta sul reddito ai sensi della Sezione 501(c)(3) dell'Internal Revenue Code degli Stati Uniti, che opera come ente di beneficenza pubblico. Non è di proprietà di né è controllata da Airbnb. Airbnb.org gestisce una serie di programmi di beneficenza a vantaggio delle community di Host e Ospiti, nonché dell'intera comunità.

24.11 Forza maggiore

Airbnb non sarà responsabile per eventuali ritardi o inadempienze derivanti da circostanze anomale e imprevedibili al di fuori del suo ragionevole controllo, le cui conseguenze sarebbero state inevitabili nonostante tutti gli sforzi compiuti, tra cui, a titolo esemplificativo, cause di forza maggiore, guerre, terrorismo, sommosse, embarghi, atti di autorità civili o militari, incendi, inondazioni, incidenti, pandemie, epidemie o malattie, scioperi o carenze di mezzi di trasporto, carburante, energia, manodopera o materiali.

24.12 Email e SMS

Riceverai comunicazioni amministrative da noi tramite l'indirizzo email o altre informazioni di contatto che hai fornito per il tuo account Airbnb. L'iscrizione a programmi di abbonamento email aggiuntivi non influirà sulla frequenza di queste email amministrative, sebbene tu possa aspettarti di ricevere ulteriori email specifiche relative ai programmi per i quali hai effettuato l'iscrizione. Potresti anche ricevere email promozionali da parte nostra. Per queste email promozionali non viene addebitato alcun costo, ma potrebbero essere applicate tariffe per i dati da terze parti. Puoi controllare la ricezione di email promozionali tramite le preferenze di notifica nelle impostazioni dell'account. Se disattivi alcune impostazioni di comunicazione o non disponi di un account Airbnb, non potrai usufruire di determinate promozioni. Negli Stati Uniti, se accetti di ricevere SMS da parte nostra, dovrai rispettare i nostri Termini sugli SMS.

24.13 Contattaci

In caso di domande in merito a questi Termini, ti invitiamo a inviarci un'email.

25. Accordo di risoluzione delle controversie e convenzione di arbitrato negli Stati Uniti


25.1 Applicazione

La presente Convenzione di arbitrato è valida solo se tu risiedi o hai sede negli Stati Uniti. Se non risiedi né hai sede legale negli Stati Uniti e cerchi comunque di intentare un'azione legale contro Airbnb negli Stati Uniti, la presente Convenzione di arbitrato verrà applicata al fine di stabilire se questa Sezione 25 è valida per te e per tutte le altre determinazioni dei limiti, incluse la residenza, l'assoggettabilità ad arbitrato, la sede e la legge applicabile.

25.2 Panoramica del processo di risoluzione delle controversie

Airbnb si impegna a partecipare a un processo di risoluzione delle controversie che tuteli il consumatore. A tal fine, questi Termini prevedono un processo in due parti per le persone fisiche alle quali si applica la presente Sezione 25: (1) una negoziazione informale direttamente con il team di assistenza clienti di Airbnb (come descritta nel paragrafo 25.3 di seguito) e, qualora necessario, (2) un arbitrato vincolante in conformità con i termini della presente Convenzione di arbitrato. In alternativa all'arbitrato, al fine di risolvere la controversia, sia tu che Airbnb avete il diritto di rivolgervi a un tribunale per controversie di modesta entità.

25.3 Risoluzione della controversia e notifica pre-arbitrato obbligatoria

Almeno 30 giorni prima di avviare un arbitrato, tu e Airbnb accettate di inviare per iscritto alla controparte una notifica personalizzata della controversia ("Notifica pre-arbitrato") ed effettuare in buona fede negoziazioni per tentare di risolverla in modo informale. La Notifica pre-arbitrato va inviata per mezzo posta a Airbnb presso il domiciliatario di Airbnb per le notifiche: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833, USA. Airbnb invierà la propria Notifica pre-arbitrato all'indirizzo email associato al tuo account Airbnb. La Notifica pre-arbitrato deve includere: la data, il tuo nome, il tuo indirizzo postale, il tuo nome utente Airbnb, l'indirizzo email che hai utilizzato per creare il tuo account Airbnb, la tua firma, una breve descrizione della controversia e la risoluzione richiesta. Se le parti non sono in grado di risolvere la controversia entro 30 giorni, solo allora ciascuna delle due può avviare l'arbitrato presentando una richiesta scritta al fornitore designato ai sensi della Sezione 24.6 qui sotto. Il requisito della Notifica pre-arbitrato di un ricorrente è un prerequisito per qualsiasi arbitrato, e una copia della Notifica pre-arbitrato e la prova che è stata inviata come previsto dalla presente Sezione devono essere allegate a tutte le richieste di arbitrato.

25.4 Convenzione di arbitrato

Tu e Airbnb convenite di comune accordo che qualsiasi vertenza, reclamo o controversia derivante da o relativa ai presenti Termini o all'applicabilità, alla violazione, alla risoluzione, alla validità, all'esecuzione o all'interpretazione degli stessi o all'uso della Piattaforma Airbnb, dei Servizi dell'host o di qualsiasi Contenuto (collettivamente, "Controversie") sarà risolta mediante arbitrato vincolante su base individuale (la "Convezione di arbitrato"). In caso di vertenza relativa all'applicabilità della presente Convenzione di arbitrato a una Controversia, tu e Airbnb convenite che sarà un arbitro a stabilire l'eventuale accoglimento di una richiesta in tal senso. Al fine di fugare ogni equivoco, tu e Airbnb accettate che qualsiasi questione relativa all'arbitrabilità e alla creazione, applicabilità, validità, portata o interpretazione della presente Sezione 25, nella sua interezza o solo in parte, inclusa qualunque controversia sulla conformità con il requisito della Notifica pre-arbitrato e la responsabilità di una parte di pagare le spese di arbitrato, sarà risolta esclusivamente da un arbitro.

25.5 Eccezioni alla Convenzione di arbitrato

Tu e Airbnb accettate che le seguenti cause legali e/o richieste di risarcimento costituiscano eccezioni alla Convenzione di arbitrato e vengano sottoposte a un procedimento giudiziario in un tribunale competente (come definito nella Sezione 21 dei Termini del servizio per utenti non europei): (i) qualsiasi rivendicazione o causa legale per presunta violazione effettiva o minacciata, appropriazione indebita o violazione di diritti d'autore, marchi, segreti commerciali, brevetti o altri diritti di proprietà intellettuale di una parte; (ii) qualsiasi rivendicazione o causa legale che richieda un provvedimento ingiuntivo di urgenza basato su circostanze impellenti (ad esempio, pericolo imminente o commissione di un reato, hacking, attacco informatico); (iii) una richiesta di rimedio per un provvedimento ingiuntivo pubblico; (iv) qualsiasi rivendicazione o causa legale per un contenzioso di natura vessatoria o (v) una rivendicazione individuale di violenza sessuale o molestie sessuali derivanti dal tuo utilizzo della Piattaforma Airbnb o dei Servizi dell'Host. Tu e Airbnb accettate che qualsiasi richiesta di ricorso a provvedimento ingiuntivo pubblico procederà dopo che sarà stata sottoposta ad arbitrato ogni richiesta di risarcimento, rimedio o causa legale sottoponibile ad arbitrato, e che la richiesta sarà sospesa in attesa dell'esito dell'arbitrato ai sensi della Sezione 3 del Federal Arbitration Act.

25.6 Regole di arbitrato e legge vigente

La presente Convenzione di arbitrato attesta una transazione commerciale interstatale, e l'interpretazione e l'applicazione sostanziali e procedurali della presente Convenzione di arbitrato saranno disciplinate dal Federal Arbitration Act e non dalla legge statale. L'arbitrato sarà amministrato da ADR Services, Inc. ("ADR") (www.adrservices.com) in conformità con le Regole 1, 6-7, 8-9, 11-12, 45, 54 e 56 del Regolamento federale di procedura civile ("Regolamento federale selezionato") (https://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure/federal-rules-civil-procedure) e con le Regole di arbitrato di ADR allora in vigore (il "Regolamento ADR"), salvo ove il Regolamento federale selezionato o il Regolamento ADR siano modificati o in conflitto con la presente Convenzione di arbitrato. Il Regolamento ADR è disponibile sul sito web www.adrservices.com. Se una richiesta di arbitrato viene presentata a ADR Services in conformità col presente accordo e con le Norme ADR, ma i Servizi ADR non possono o non amministreranno l'arbitrato, questo sarà amministrato dall'American Arbitration Association ("AAA") in conformità con le Norme federali selezionate e con le Norme sull'arbitrato per i consumatori dell'AAA e/o ad altre norme d'arbitrato dell'AAA considerate applicabili dall'AAA (le "Norme AAA") in vigore in quel momento, fatte salve le modifiche alle stesse introdotte nella presente sezione. Le Norme AAA sono disponibili alla pagina www.adr.org. Se l'AAA non può e non amministrerà l'arbitrato, tu e Airbnb dovrete conferire e selezionare un foro arbitrale alternativo e, in caso di mancato accordo, tu o Airbnb potrete chiedere a un tribunale di nominare un arbitro ai sensi della Sezione 5 del Titolo 9 dello U.S. Code. In tal caso, l'arbitrato sarà condotto in conformità con le regole del foro arbitrale nominato, a meno che tali regole non siano incompatibili con le disposizioni della presente Convenzione di arbitrato.

25.7 Modifiche al Regolamento di arbitrato: udienza/sede dell'arbitrato

Al fine di rendere l'arbitrato più conveniente, efficiente e utile, qualsiasi sua necessaria udienza in un contesto arbitrale in cui l'importo soggetto a controversia non superi 1.000.000 USD sarà condotta a distanza tramite videoconferenza, salvo ove diversamente concordato dalle parti o istruito dall'arbitro. Qualsiasi necessaria udienza di arbitrato in un contesto arbitrale in cui l'importo soggetto a controversia superi 1.000.000 USD sarà condotta nella contea di San Francisco, salvo ove diversamente concordato dalle parti o istruito dall'arbitro. Se l'importo della somma soggetta a controversia è uguale o inferiore a 10.000 USD, le parti convengono di procedere attraverso il semplice invio dei documenti all'arbitro.

25.8 Modifiche al Regolamento di arbitrato: onorari e spese di arbitrato

Le spese per l'arbitrato e la quota a tuo carico del compenso dell'arbitro saranno disciplinate dal Regolamento ADR e dal tariffario di ADR Services (disponibile all'indirizzo www.adrservices.com). Se hai un reddito mensile lordo inferiore al 300% rispetto all'importo indicato nelle linee guida federali che definiscono la soglia della povertà, hai diritto a un'esenzione dalle spese e dai costi di arbitrato, escluse le spese dell'arbitro. Puoi richiedere un'esenzione dalle spese inviando al fornitore dell'arbitrato una dichiarazione giurata che indichi il tuo reddito mensile e il numero di persone facenti parte del tuo nucleo familiare. Se il fornitore di servizi di arbitrato concede una rinuncia alle spese e tu fornisci a Airbnb i documenti necessari per dimostrare che il tuo reddito mensile lordo è inferiore al 300% rispetto all'importo indicato nelle linee guida federali che definiscono la soglia della povertà, Airbnb pagherà la tua quota di eventuali spese dell'arbitro.

25.9 Modifica delle regole di arbitrato: reclami presentati per uno scopo improprio o in violazione della presente Convenzione di arbitrato

Ciascuna delle parti può richiedere che l'arbitro imponga sanzioni se dimostra che l'altra parte o i suoi avvocati hanno fatto valere un'azione o una difesa infondata in fatto o in diritto, promossa in malafede o a scopo di molestia, o altrimenti dilatoria. Come consentito dalla legge applicabile, l'arbitro imporrà sanzioni pari agli onorari e alle spese legali ragionevoli della parte richiedente se una rivendicazione o una difesa è infondata in fatto o in diritto, promossa in malafede o a scopo di molestia, asserita in violazione della Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (intendendo l'arbitro come "il tribunale"), o è altrimenti frivola. Ciascuna delle parti può chiedere l'annullamento di qualsiasi arbitrato depositato in violazione di qualunque disposizione della presente Convenzione di arbitrato. Ciascuna parte può far valere in arbitrato una domanda riconvenzionale per l'avvio intrapreso dell'altra parte di un procedimento relativo a una Controversia arbitrabile senza rispettare o altrimenti in violazione dei requisiti della presente Convenzione di arbitrato. Dopo aver rilevato che una parte ha avviato un procedimento relativo a una Controversia arbitrabile senza rispettare o altrimenti in violazione dei requisiti della presente Convenzione di arbitrato, l'arbitro riconoscerà all'altra parte i danni effettivi, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, le spese e i costi ragionevoli degli avvocati.

25.10 Lodo arbitrale

L'arbitro formulerà una decisione scritta che dovrà includere gli elementi e le conclusioni essenziali su cui è fondata la stessa. Il lodo arbitrale può essere trascritto da qualunque tribunale competente in materia. L'arbitro può concedere qualsiasi rimedio consentito dalla legge o dal Regolamento ADR, tuttavia il rimedio dichiarativo o ingiuntivo può essere emesso esclusivamente su base individuale e solo nella misura necessaria a fornire un provvedimento giustificato dalla richiesta individuale di risarcimento del ricorrente.

25.11 Rinuncia al processo con giuria

Tu e Airbnb riconoscete e concordate di rinunciare al rispettivo diritto a un processo con giuria per quanto riguarda tutte le Controversie arbitrabili.

25.12 Divieto di azioni collettive o procedimenti rappresentativi

Tu e Airbnb riconoscete e convenite di rinunciare, nella misura massima consentita dalla legge, al rispettivo diritto di partecipare in qualità di ricorrente o come membro di una classe a qualsiasi eventuale class action o azione collettiva, arbitrato collettivo, azione collettiva nell'interesse pubblico o ad altre forme di procedimenti rappresentativi o riuniti. Fatto salvo quanto diversamente previsto dalla presente Convenzione di arbitrato, l'arbitro non potrà riunire le richieste di più di una parte e non potrà comunque presiedere a qualsivoglia forma di azione collettiva o procedimento rappresentativo. In caso di pronuncia giudiziale definitiva secondo la quale la legge applicabile impedisce l'esecuzione della rinuncia contenuta in questo paragrafo a qualsiasi azione, rivendicazione o rimedio richiesto, allora tale azione, rivendicazione o rimedio richiesto, e solo tale azione, rivendicazione o rimedio richiesto, sarà escluso dalla presente Convenzione di arbitrato e verrà sottoposto all'attenzione di un tribunale della giurisdizione competente. Nel caso in cui un'azione, una rivendicazione o un rimedio richiesto venga escluso ai sensi del presente paragrafo, allora si conviene che le azioni, le rivendicazioni o i rimedi richiesti che non sono soggetti ad arbitrato saranno sospesi fino a quando l'arbitro non si sarà pronunciato su tutte le azioni e le rivendicazioni arbitrabili e i rimedi richiesti.

25.13 Rinuncia all'azione collettiva

Tu e Airbnb riconoscete e concordate che i relativi vantaggi ed efficienze dell'arbitrato possono essere persi quando vengono presentate 100 o più richieste di arbitrato entro 180 giorni che (1) coinvolgono parti uguali o simili; (2) si basano su rivendicazioni uguali o simili derivanti da transazioni, incidenti, presunte violazioni o eventi uguali o pressoché identici che richiedono la determinazione delle stesse o sostanzialmente identiche questioni di diritto o di fatto e (3) coinvolgono gli stessi o coordinati consulenti delle parti ("Azione collettiva"). Di conseguenza, tu e Airbnb convenite di rinunciare al diritto di amministrare, arbitrare o risolvere qualsiasi Controversia nell'ambito di un'Azione collettiva (sebbene le Sezioni 23 e 25.12 dei presenti Termini continueranno ad applicarsi a tale Controversia). In tal caso, l'arbitro nominato per la prima questione istituita nell'ambito di una serie di rivendicazioni individuate da una delle parti deciderà se le stesse fanno parte di un'Azione collettiva. Se non è stato ancora nominato alcun arbitro, ne sarà nominato uno esclusivamente per determinare se le rivendicazioni identificate da una delle parti fanno parte di un'Azione collettiva. Nessun elemento della presente disposizione impedisce a te o a Airbnb di partecipare a una liquidazione collettiva delle rivendicazioni.

25.14 Modifiche al Regolamento di arbitrato: requisiti per la creazione di scaglioni per le Azioni collettive

Se per qualsiasi ragione, nonostante quanto disposto dalla Sezione 25.13, un arbitrato dovesse procedere come parte di un'Azione collettiva, le parti raggrupperanno le richieste di arbitrato in scaglioni non superiori a 200. Gli scaglioni devono essere determinati elencando i richiedenti in ordine alfabetico (per cognome o ragione sociale, a seconda dei casi): ad esempio, i primi 200 richiedenti elencati costituiranno il primo scaglione, i successivi 200 richiedenti elencati costituiranno il secondo scaglione e così via. Le parti assegneranno in modo casuale a ciascuno scaglione un numero sequenziale e arbitreranno gli scaglioni uno alla volta, in ordine sequenziale. Durante l'arbitrato di uno scaglione, il fornitore dell'arbitrato terrà i restanti in sospeso, salvo ove diversamente concordato dalle parti o istruito dal fornitore dell'arbitrato. Per ogni scaglione si dovrà giungere a una risoluzione entro 240 giorni dalla relativa conferenza pre-udizione. Fermo restando quanto sopra, se la richiesta di qualsiasi ricorrente non sarà stata oggetto di una conferenza pre-udizione entro 2 anni dall'ultima richiesta presentata nell'Azione collettiva, tale ricorrente potrà scegliere di perseguire le richieste di risarcimento avanzate nella richiesta del ricorrente in tribunale ai sensi delle Sezioni 23 e 25.12 dei presenti Termini.

25.15 Modifiche al Regolamento di arbitrato: offerte di giudizio

Almeno dieci (10) giorni prima della data fissata per l'udienza di arbitrato, tu o Airbnb potete inviare un'offerta scritta di giudizio all'altra parte per consentire il giudizio a termini specificati. Se l'offerta viene accettata, quest'ultima insieme alla prova di accettazione saranno presentate al fornitore dell'arbitrato, che emetterà un lodo di conseguenza. Se l'offerta non viene accettata prima dell'udienza di arbitrato o entro trenta (30) giorni dalla sua presentazione, a seconda di quale evento si verifichi per primo, si considera ritirata e non può essere fornita come prova nell'arbitrato, se non per quanto riguarda i costi (inclusi tutti gli onorari pagati al fornitore dell'arbitrato). Se un'offerta presentata da una parte non viene accettata dall'altra parte e quest'ultima non riesce a ottenere un lodo più favorevole, l'altra parte non recupererà i costi post-offerta e pagherà i costi dell'offerta (comprese tutte le commissioni corrisposte al fornitore dell'arbitrato) dal momento in cui viene proposta la stessa.

25.16 Clausola di salvaguardia

Fatto salvo quanto previsto nella Sezione 25.11, nel caso in cui qualsiasi disposizione del presente Accordo di arbitrato dovesse essere ritenuta illegale o inapplicabile, tale disposizione sarà eliminata, mentre le restanti rimarranno in pieno vigore ed effetto.

25.17 Modifiche alla Convenzione di arbitrato

Se Airbnb apporta delle modifiche alla presente Sezione 25 dopo l'ultima data in cui hai accettato i presenti Termini (o hai accettato qualsiasi successiva modifica degli stessi), hai la facoltà di rifiutare la modifica dandocene avviso per iscritto entro e non oltre 30 giorni dalla data in cui la modifica entra in vigore. L'avviso deve includere il tuo nome, il tuo indirizzo postale, la data dell'avviso, il tuo nome utente Airbnb, l'indirizzo email che hai utilizzato per creare il tuo account Airbnb, la tua firma e una dichiarazione inequivocabile che desideri rifiutare le disposizioni indicate nella Sezione 25 modificata. Devi spedire la notifica per posta all'indirizzo 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out oppure inviarla tramite email ad arbitration.opt.out@airbnb.com. Il rifiuto di una nuova modifica, tuttavia, non revoca o modifica il tuo precedente consenso a una qualunque convenzione precedente di sottoporre ad arbitrato qualsiasi Controversia tra te e Airbnb (o il tuo precedente consenso a eventuali modifiche successive), che rimarrà in vigore e applicabile per qualunque Controversia tra te e Airbnb.

25.18 Sussistenza

Fatto salvo per quanto previsto nella Sezione 25.16 e ferma restando la Sezione 12.6 dei Termini del servizio per utenti non europei, la presente Sezione 25 sopravvivrà alla risoluzione dei presenti Termini e continuerà ad applicarsi anche se cessi di usare la Piattaforma Airbnb o chiudi il tuo Account Airbnb.

Termini aggiuntivi applicabili ai Business Host

Se dichiari di utilizzare la Piattaforma Airbnb per offrire Servizi dell'Host ai consumatori per scopi relativi alla tua attività commerciale, imprenditoriale, artigianale o professionale ("Business Host"), si applicheranno i seguenti termini aggiuntivi:

26. Ospitare su Airbnb come Business Host


In qualità di Business Host, ti impegni a offrire sulla Piattaforma Airbnb solo Servizi dell'Host conformi alle norme applicabili del diritto dell'Unione europea.


Al fine di soddisfare i requisiti legali obbligatori, ti verrà richiesto di fornire almeno le seguenti informazioni e documentazioni (ove applicabile) a Airbnb per offrire i Servizi dell'Host come Business Host sulla piattaforma Airbnb:

  • Il tuo nome, il tuo indirizzo, il tuo numero di telefono e il tuo indirizzo email:
  • Una copia del tuo documento d'identità o di qualsiasi altra forma d'identificazione elettronica come definita dall'articolo 3 del Regolamento UE n. 910/2014.
  • I dettagli del tuo conto di pagamento.
  • Il registro delle imprese in cui figura la tua iscrizione e il tuo numero di registrazione o mezzo di identificazione equivalente in tale registro.


Non potrai offrire i Servizi dell'Host sulla Piattaforma Airbnb fino a quando Airbnb non sarà stata in grado di determinare che le suddette informazioni sono affidabili e complete. Potremmo chiederti di fornire ulteriore documentazione come stabilito da noi allo scopo di consentirci di valutare l'affidabilità e la completezza delle tue informazioni.


Sei responsabile dell'accuratezza delle informazioni fornite, che hai l'obbligo di mantenere sempre aggiornate. Qualora ricevessimo indicazioni sufficienti o avessimo comunque motivo di ritenere che qualsiasi informazione da te fornita sia imprecisa, incompleta o non aggiornata, ti verrà chiesto di porre rimedio alla situazione tempestivamente. Se non aggiorni le informazioni entro la scadenza da noi indicata, potremmo impedirti di usare la Piattaforma Airbnb fino a quando non avrai completato le operazioni richieste. Qualora sospendessimo i nostri servizi per tali motivi, hai il diritto di presentare un reclamo tramite il nostro sistema di gestione dedicato o presso un organismo di risoluzione extragiudiziale delle controversie certificato in conformità con la Sezione 14 dei presenti Termini.

27. Gestione e mediazione dei reclami

Se sei Business Host con sede legale nello SEE o nel Regno Unito, hai accesso al nostro sistema interno di gestione dei reclami per Business Host, che ti consente di presentare un reclamo in relazione a questioni che rientrano nell'ambito di applicazione dell'articolo 11 del Regolamento UE 2019/1150, anche per chiarire i fatti e le circostanze che portano a interventi in base alle Sezioni 13.2 e 13.3 dei presenti Termini. Il Centro Assistenza spiega come puoi accedere al sistema interno di gestione dei reclami per Business Host e cosa puoi aspettarti quando presenti un reclamo. Stabilisce inoltre i dettagli del servizio di mediazione che è possibile utilizzare nel caso in cui tale reclamo non venga risolto.

28. Accesso ai dati

I Business Host hanno accesso, nel loro account Airbnb e nella scrivania dell'host, a dati personali e di altro tipo che sono forniti da loro, dai rispettivi Ospiti o generati attraverso l'utilizzo della Piattaforma Airbnb e che sono per loro necessari al fine di fornire i Servizi dell'Host, nonché a informazioni aggregate su ricerche, prenotazioni e prestazioni dei loro Annunci. La nostra Informativa sulla privacy stabilisce le categorie di dati personali e di altri dati che raccogliamo, come li utilizziamo, trattiamo, divulghiamo e conserviamo, e come puoi accedervi ed esercitare i tuoi diritti sui dati.

29. Canali di distribuzione aggiuntivi

Airbnb gestisce un programma di affiliazione attraverso il quale gli Annunci possono essere pubblicati su siti web di terze parti, ad esempio quelli dedicati ai viaggi, agli organi di stampa, ai programmi di fidelizzazione e agli aggregatori di ricerca. Gli Annunci possono anche apparire nelle pubblicità di Airbnb diffuse di volta in volta su siti web di terze parti.

Allegato 1 - Parti contraenti





Regno Unito, Spazio economico europeo o Svizzera

Prenotare oppure offrire sistemazioni in determinati hotel o strutture ricettive tradizionali, in cui Airbnb Travel, LLC viene identificata nella procedura di pagamento o di pubblicazione dell'annuncio.

Airbnb Travel, LLC

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Prenotare oppure offrire alloggi situati negli Stati Uniti per soggiorni di almeno 28 pernottamenti, in cui Airbnb Stays, Inc. viene identificata nella procedura di pagamento o di pubblicazione dell'annuncio.

Airbnb Stays, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Prenotare oppure offrire alloggi in cui Luxury Retreats International ULC viene identificata nella procedura di pagamento o di pubblicazione dell'annuncio oppure di altre interpretazioni del prodotto.

Luxury Retreats International ULC

5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montréal, Québec, H4E 1A8, Canada

Tutte le altre attività.

Airbnb Ireland UC

8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Irlanda

Pagina dei dettagli dell'azienda

Terms of Service Users outside of the EEA, UK, and Australia

Section 22 of these Terms contains an arbitration agreement and class action waiver that apply to all claims brought against Airbnb in the United States. Please read them carefully.

Last Updated: 25 gennaio 2024

Thank you for using Airbnb!

These Terms of Service (“Terms”) are a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb that govern the right to use the websites, applications, and other offerings from Airbnb (collectively, the “Airbnb Platform”). When used in these Terms, “Airbnb,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to the Airbnb entity set out on Schedule 1 with whom you are contracting.

The Airbnb Platform enables users (“Members”) to publish, offer, search for, and book services. Members who publish and offer services are “Hosts” and Members who search for, book, or use services are “Guests.” Hosts offer accommodations (“Accommodations”), activities, excursions, and events (“Experiences”), and a variety of travel and other services (collectively, “Host Services,” and each Host Service offering, a “Listing”). As the provider of the Airbnb Platform, Airbnb does not own, control, offer or manage any Listings or Host Services. Airbnb is not a party to the contracts entered into directly between Hosts and Guests, nor is Airbnb a real estate broker, travel agency, or insurer. Airbnb is not acting as an agent in any capacity for any Member, except as specified in the Payments Terms of Service (“Payment Terms”). To learn more about Airbnb’s role see Section 15.

We maintain other terms and policies that supplement these Terms like our Privacy Policy, which describes our collection and use of personal data, and our Payments Terms, which govern any payment services provided to Members by the Airbnb payment entities (collectively "Airbnb Payments").

Guest Terms

1. Searching and Booking on Airbnb.

1.1 Searching. You can search for Host Services by using criteria like the type of Host Service, type of listing, travel destination, travel dates, and number of guests. You can also use filters to refine your search results. Search results are based on their relevance to your search and other criteria. Relevance considers factors like price, availability, Reviews, customer service and cancellation history, popularity, previous trips and saved Listings, Host requirements (e.g. minimum or maximum nights), and more. Learn more about search results in our Help Center.

1.2 Booking. When you book a Listing, you are agreeing to pay all charges for your booking including the Listing price, applicable fees like Airbnb’s service fee, offline fees, taxes, and any other items identified during checkout (collectively, “Total Price”). If you choose to pay using a currency that differs from the currency set by the Host for their Listing, the price displayed to you is based on a currency conversion rate determined by us. You are also agreeing that Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method (as defined in the Payment Terms) used to book the Listing in order to collect Damage Claim (as defined in Section 14) amounts. 

When you receive the booking confirmation, a contract for Host Services (a "Reservation") is formed directly between you and the Host. By making a Reservation you are agreeing to the terms of the contract. The terms of the contract include these Terms, all terms of the Reservation, including without limitation, the cancellation policy and any other rules, standards, policies, or requirements identified in the Listing or during checkout that apply to the Reservation. It is your responsibility to read and understand these terms of the contract including these Terms and all terms of the Reservation including all rules, standards, policies, and requirements prior to booking a Listing. Be aware that some Hosts work with a co-host or as part of a team to provide their Host Services.

1.3 Accommodation Reservations. An Accommodation Reservation is a limited license to enter, occupy, and use the Accommodation. The Host retains the right to re-enter the Accommodation during your stay, to the extent: (i) it is reasonably necessary, (ii) permitted by your contract with the Host, and (iii) permitted by applicable law. If you stay past checkout, the Host has the right to make you leave in a manner permitted with applicable law, including by imposing reasonable overstay penalties. You may not exceed the maximum number of allowed Guests.

1.4 Reservations for Experiences and Other Host Services. An Experience or other Host Service Reservation entitles you to participate in, attend, or use that Host Service. You are responsible for confirming that you, and anyone you invite, meet minimum age, proficiency, fitness, or other requirements. You are responsible for informing the Host of any medical or physical conditions, or other circumstances that may impact your ability to participate, attend, or use the Experience or Host Service. Except where expressly authorized, you may not allow any person to join an Experience or Host Service unless they are included as an additional guest during the booking process.

2. Cancellations, Reservation Issues, Refunds and Booking Modifications.

2.1 Cancellations, Reservation Issues, and Refunds. In general, if you cancel a Reservation, the amount refunded to you is determined by the Host's cancellation policy that applies to that Reservation. But, in certain situations, other policies take precedence and determine what amount is refunded to you. If something outside your control forces you to cancel a Reservation, you may be eligible for a partial or full refund under our Extenuating Circumstances Policy. If the Host cancels, or you experience a Reservation Issue (as defined in our Rebooking and Refund Policy), you may be eligible for rebooking assistance or a partial or full refund under the Rebooking and Refund Policy. Different policies apply to certain categories of Listings; for example Experiences Reservations are governed by the Experiences Guest Refund Policy. See each Additional Legal Term or Policy for details about what is covered, and what refund applies in each situation.  You may appeal a decision by Airbnb by contacting our customer service.

2.2 Booking Modifications. Guests and Hosts are responsible for any booking modifications they agree to make via the Airbnb Platform or direct Airbnb customer service to make on their behalf ("Booking Modifications"), and agree to pay any additional amounts, fees, or taxes associated with any Booking Modification.

3. Your Responsibilities and Assumption of Risk.

3.1 Your Responsibilities. You are responsible and liable for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you invite to join or provide access to any Accommodation, all areas and facilities where the Accommodation is located that the Host and Guest are legally entitled to use in connection with the Accommodation (“Common Areas”), or any Experience or other Host Service. For example, this means: (i) you are responsible for leaving an Accommodation (and related personal property) or Common Areas in the condition it was in when you arrived, (ii) you are responsible for paying all reasonable Damage Claim amounts, and (iii) you must act with integrity, treat others with respect, and comply with applicable laws at all times. If you are booking for an additional guest who is a minor or if you bring a minor to a Host Service, you must be legally authorized to act on behalf of the minor and you are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor.

3.2 Your Assumption of Risk. You acknowledge that many activities carry inherent risks and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you assume the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Airbnb Platform and any Content (as defined in Section 9), including your stay at any Accommodation, participation in any Experience, use of any other Host Service, or any other interaction you have with other Members whether in person or online. This means it is your responsibility to investigate a Host Service to determine whether it is suitable for you. For example, Host Services may carry risk of illness, bodily injury, disability, or death, and you freely and willfully assume those risks by choosing to participate in those Host Services.

Host Terms

4. Hosting on Airbnb.

4.1 Host. As a Host, Airbnb offers you the right to use the Airbnb Platform in accordance with these Terms to share your Accommodation, Experience, or other Host Service with our vibrant community of Guests - and earn money doing it. It’s easy to create a Listing and you are in control of how you host - set your price, availability, and rules for each Listing.

4.2 Contracting with Guests. When you accept a booking request, or receive a booking confirmation through the Airbnb Platform, you are entering into a contract directly with the Guest, and are responsible for delivering the Host Service under the terms and at the price specified in your Listing. You are also agreeing to pay applicable fees like Airbnb’s service fee (and applicable taxes) for each booking. Airbnb Payments will deduct amounts you owe from your payout unless we and you agree to a different method. Any terms or conditions that you include in any supplemental contract with Guests must: (i) be consistent with these Terms, our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, and the information provided in your Listing, and (ii) be prominently disclosed in your Listing description.

4.3 Independence of Hosts. Your relationship with Airbnb is that of an independent individual or entity and not an employee, agent, joint venturer, or partner of Airbnb, except that Airbnb Payments acts as a payment collection agent as described in the Payments Terms. Airbnb does not direct or control your Host Service, and you understand that you have complete discretion whether and when to provide Host Services, and at what price and on what terms to offer them.

5. Managing Your Listing.

5.1 Creating and Managing Your Listing. The Airbnb Platform provides tools that make it easy for you to set up and manage a Listing. Your Listing must include complete and accurate information about your Host Service, your price, other charges like cleaning fees, resort fees, offline fees, and any rules or requirements that apply to your Guests or Listing. You are responsible for your acts or omissions as well as keeping your Listing information (including calendar availability) and content (like photos) up-to-date and accurate at all times. You are responsible for obtaining appropriate insurance for your Host Services and we suggest you carefully review policy terms and conditions including coverage details and exclusions. You may only maintain one Listing per Accommodation, but may have multiple Listings for a single property if it has multiple places to stay. Any offer of an Experience is subject to our Additional Terms for Experience Hosts.

5.2 Know Your Legal Obligations. You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, rules, regulations, and contracts with third parties that apply to your Listing or Host Services. For example: Some landlords and leases, or homeowner and condominium association rules, restrict or prohibit subletting, short-term rentals and/or longer-term stays. Some cities have zoning or other laws that restrict the short-term rental of residential properties. Some jurisdictions require Hosts to register, get a permit, or obtain a license before providing certain Host Services (such as short-term rentals, longer-term stays, preparing food, serving alcohol for sale, guiding tours, or operating a vehicle). In some places, the Host Services you want to offer may be prohibited altogether. Some jurisdictions require that you register Guests who stay at your Accommodation. Some jurisdictions have laws that create tenancy rights for Guests and additional obligations for Hosts. For example, some places have landlord-tenant, rent control, and eviction laws that may apply to longer stays. Check your local rules to learn what rules apply to the Host Services you plan to offer. Information we provide regarding legal requirements is for informational purposes only and you should independently confirm your obligations. You are responsible for handling and using personal data of Guests and others in compliance with applicable privacy laws and these Terms, including our Host Privacy Standards. If you have questions about how local laws apply you should always seek legal advice.

5.3 Search Results. The ranking of Listings in search results on the Airbnb Platform depends on a variety of factors, including these main parameters:

  • Guest search parameters (e.g. number of Guests, destination, time and duration of the trip, price range),
  • Listing characteristics (e.g. price, calendar availability, number and quality of images, Reviews, type of Host Service, Host status, length of time the Listing has been live on the Airbnb Platform, Guest engagement and popularity),
  • Guest experience (e.g. customer service and cancellation history of the Host, ease of booking),
  • Host and Listing requirements (e.g. minimum or maximum nights, booking cut-off time), and
  • Guest preferences and history (e.g. previous trips, viewed and saved Listings, location from where the Guest is searching).

Search results may be different on our mobile application than on our website, and may also differ in the map view. Airbnb may allow Hosts to promote their Listings in search or elsewhere on the Airbnb Platform by paying an additional fee. More information about the factors that determine how your Listing appears in search results, our current promotional programs (if any), and how we identify promoted Content can be found in our Help Center.

5.4 Your Responsibilities. You are responsible and liable for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you allow to participate in providing your Host Services. You are responsible for setting your price and establishing rules and requirements for your Listing. You must describe any and all fees and charges in your Listing description and may not collect any additional fees or charges outside the Airbnb Platform except those expressly authorized by our Offline Fee Policy. Do not encourage Guests to create third-party accounts, submit reviews, provide their contact information, or take other actions outside the Airbnb Platform in violation of our Off-Platform Policy.

5.5 Hosting as a Team or Organization. If you work with a co-host or host as part of a team, business, or other organization, you are responsible and liable as a Host under these Terms for the acts and omissions of each entity and individual who participates in providing your Host Services and you are responsible for informing personnel engaged by you to deliver any Host Services of your obligations under these Terms. If you accept terms or enter into contracts with third parties, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to enter into contracts for and bind your team, business or other organization, and that each entity you use is in good standing under the laws of the place where it is established. If you perform other functions, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to perform those functions. If you instruct Airbnb to transfer a portion of your payout to a co-host or other Hosts, or send payments to someone else, you must be authorized to do so, and are responsible and liable for the payment amounts and accuracy of any payout information you provide.

5.6 Your Assumption of Risk. You acknowledge that hosting carries inherent risks and agree that you assume the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Airbnb Platform, offering Host Services, or any interaction you have with other Members whether in person or online. You agree that you have had the opportunity to investigate the Airbnb Platform and any laws, rules, regulations, or obligations that may be applicable to your Listings or Host Services and that you are not relying upon any statement of law made by Airbnb.

6. Cancellations, Reservation Issues, and Booking Modifications.

6.1 Cancellations and Reservation Issues. In general, if a Guest cancels a Reservation, the amount paid to you is determined by the cancellation policy that applies to that Reservation. As a host, you should not cancel on a Guest without a valid reason under our Extenuating Circumstances Policy or applicable law. If you cancel on a Guest without such a valid reason, we may impose a cancellation fee and other consequences. If: (i) a Guest experiences a Reservation Issue (as defined by the Rebooking and Refund Policy), (ii) an Extenuating Circumstance arises, or (iii) a Reservation is canceled under Section 12 of these Terms, the amount you are paid will be reduced by the amount we refund or otherwise provide to the Guest, and by any other reasonable costs we incur as a result of the cancellation. If a Guest receives a refund after you have already been paid, or the amount of the refund and other costs incurred by Airbnb exceeds your payout, Airbnb (via Airbnb Payments) may recover that amount from you, including by deducting the refund against your future payouts. You agree that Airbnb’s Rebooking and Refund Policy, Extenuating Circumstances Policy, and these Terms preempt the cancellation policy you set in situations where they allow for the cancellation of a Reservation and/or the issuance of refunds to Guests. If we reasonably expect to provide a refund to a Guest under one of these policies, we may delay release of any payout for that Reservation until a refund decision is made. If you Host an Experience please note that the Experience Cancellation Policy, Experiences Guest Refund Policy and different cancellation fees and consequences apply to your Reservations. See each Policy for details about what is covered, and what your payout will be in each situation.

6.2 Booking Modifications. Hosts and Guests are responsible for any Booking Modifications they agree to make via the Airbnb Platform or direct Airbnb customer service to make on their behalf, and agree to pay any additional amounts, fees or taxes associated with a Booking Modification.

7. Taxes.

7.1 Host Taxes. As a Host, you are responsible for determining and fulfilling your obligations under applicable laws to report, collect, remit, or include in your price any applicable VAT or other indirect taxes, occupancy taxes, tourist, income, or other taxes ("Taxes").

7.2 Collection and Remittance by Airbnb. In jurisdictions where Airbnb facilitates the collection and/or remittance of Taxes on behalf of Hosts, you instruct and authorize Airbnb to collect Taxes on your behalf, and/or to remit such Taxes to the relevant Tax authority. Any Taxes that are collected and/or remitted by Airbnb are identified to Members on their transaction records, as applicable. Airbnb may seek additional amounts from Members (including by deducting such amounts from future payouts) when the Taxes collected and/or remitted are insufficient to fully discharge that Members’ tax obligations, and you agree that your sole remedy for Taxes collected by Airbnb is a refund from the applicable Tax authority. You acknowledge and agree that we retain the right, with prior notice to affected Members, to cease the collection and remittance of Taxes in any jurisdiction for any reason.

7.3 Tax Information. In certain jurisdictions, Tax regulations may require that we collect and/or report Tax information about you, or withhold Taxes from payouts to you, or both. If you fail to provide us with documentation that we determine to be sufficient to support any such obligation to withhold Taxes from payouts to you, we may withhold payouts up to the amount as required by law, until sufficient documentation is provided. You agree that Airbnb may issue on your behalf invoices or similar documentation for VAT, GST, consumption or other Taxes for your Host Services to facilitate accurate tax reporting.

General Terms

8. Reviews.

After each Host Service, Guests and Hosts will have an opportunity to review each other. Your Review must be accurate and may not contain any discriminatory, offensive, defamatory, or other language that violates these Terms, applicable law, or our Content Policy or Review Policy. Reviews are not verified by Airbnb for accuracy and may be incorrect or misleading.

9. Content.

Parts of the Airbnb Platform enable you to provide feedback, text, photos, audio, video, information, and other content (“Content”). By providing Content, in whatever form and through whatever means, you grant Airbnb a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, sub-licensable and transferable license to access, use, store, copy, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publish, transmit, stream, broadcast, and otherwise exploit, in any manner such that Content to provide and/or promote the Airbnb Platform, in any media or platform, known or unknown to date and in particular on Internet and social networks. If Content includes personal information, such Content will only be used for these purposes if such use complies with applicable data protection laws in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Where Airbnb pays for the creation of Content or facilitates its creation, Airbnb may own that Content, in which case supplemental terms or disclosures will say that. You are solely responsible for all Content that you provide and warrant that you either own it or are authorized to grant Airbnb the rights described in these Terms. You are responsible and liable if any of your Content violates or infringes the intellectual property or privacy rights of any third party. Content must comply with our Content Policy and Nondiscrimination Policy, which prohibit, among other things, discriminatory, obscene, harassing, deceptive, violent, and illegal content. You agree that Airbnb may make available services or automated tools to translate Content and that your Content may be translated using such services or tools. Airbnb does not guarantee the accuracy or quality of translations and Members are responsible for confirming the accuracy of such translations.

10. Fees.

Airbnb may charge fees (and applicable Taxes) to Hosts and Guests for the right to use the Airbnb Platform. More information about when service fees apply and how they are calculated can be found on our Service Fees page. Any applicable fees are disclosed to Guests before making a Booking. Except as otherwise provided on the Airbnb Platform, service fees are non-refundable. Airbnb reserves the right to change the service fees at any time, and will provide Members notice of any fee changes before they become effective. Fee changes will not affect bookings made prior to the effective date of the fee change. If you disagree with a fee change you may terminate this agreement at any time pursuant to Section 12.2.

11. Airbnb Platform Rules.

11.1 Rules. You must follow these rules and must not help or induce others to break or circumvent these rules.

  • Act with integrity and treat others with respect
    • Do not lie, misrepresent something or someone, or pretend to be someone else.
    • Be polite and respectful when you communicate or interact with others.
    • Do not attempt to evade enforcement of these Terms, our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or our Standards, such as by creating a duplicate account or listings.
    • Follow our Nondiscrimination Policy and do not discriminate against or harass others.
  • Do not scrape, hack, reverse engineer, compromise or impair the Airbnb Platform
    • Do not use bots, crawlers, scrapers, or other automated means to access or collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the Airbnb Platform.
    • Do not hack, avoid, remove, impair, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any security or technological measure used to protect the Airbnb Platform or Content.
    • Do not decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software or hardware used to provide the Airbnb Platform.
    • Do not take any action that could damage or adversely affect the performance or proper functioning of the Airbnb Platform.
  • Only use the Airbnb Platform as authorized by these Terms or another agreement with us
    • You may only use another Member’s personal information as necessary to facilitate a transaction using the Airbnb Platform as authorized by these Terms.
    • Do not use the Airbnb Platform, our messaging tools, or Members’ personal information to send commercial messages without their express consent.
    • You may use Content made available through the Airbnb Platform solely as necessary to enable your use of the Airbnb Platform as a Guest or Host.
    • Do not use Content unless you have permission from the Content owner or the use is authorized by us in these Terms or another agreement you have with us.
    • Do not request, make, or accept a booking or any payment outside of the Airbnb Platform to avoid paying fees, taxes or for any other reason. See our Offline Fee Policy for exceptions.
    • Do not require or encourage Guests to open an account, leave a review, complete a survey, or otherwise interact, with a third party website, application or service before, during or after a Reservation, unless authorized by Airbnb.
    • Do not engage in any practices that are intended to manipulate our search algorithm.
    • Do not book Host Services unless you are actually using the Host Services.
    • Do not use, copy, display, mirror or frame the Airbnb Platform, any Content, any Airbnb branding, or any page layout or design without our consent.
  • Honor your legal obligations
    • Understand and follow the laws that apply to you, including privacy, data protection, and export laws.
    • If you provide us with someone else’s personal information, you: (i) must do so in compliance with applicable law, (ii) must be authorized to do so, and (iii) authorize us to process that information under our Privacy Policy.
    • Read and follow our Terms, Additional Legal Terms, Policies, and Standards.
    • Do not organize or facilitate unauthorized parties or events. You are responsible and liable for any party or event during your Reservation that violates our rules for parties and events, as incorporated by reference herein.
    • Do not use the name, logo, branding, or trademarks of Airbnb or others without permission, and only as set forth in our Trademark Guidelines.
    • Do not use or register any domain name, social media handle, trade name, trademark, branding, logo, or other source identifier that is confusingly similar to any Airbnb trademarks, logos or branding. See our Trademark Guidelines for additional details.
    • Do not offer Host Services that violate the laws or agreements that apply to you.
    • Do not offer or solicit prostitution or participate in or facilitate human trafficking.

11.2 Reporting Violations. If you believe that a Member, Listing or Content poses an imminent risk of harm to a person or property, you should immediately contact local authorities before contacting Airbnb. In addition, if you believe that a Member, Listing or Content has violated our Standards, you should report your concerns to Airbnb. If you reported an issue to local authorities, Airbnb may request a copy of that report. Except as required by law, we are not obligated to take action in response to any report.

11.3 Copyright Notifications. If you believe that Content on the Airbnb Platform infringes copyrights, please notify us in accordance with our Copyright Policy.

12. Termination, Suspension and other Measures.

12.1 Term. The agreement between you and Airbnb reflected by these Terms is effective when you access the Airbnb Platform (for example to create an account) and remains in effect until either you or we terminate the agreement in accordance with these Terms.

12.2 Termination. You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your account. Airbnb may terminate this agreement and your account for any reason by providing you 30 days’ notice via email or using any other contact information you have provided for your account. Airbnb may also terminate this agreement immediately and without notice and stop providing access to the Airbnb Platform if you breach these Terms, you violate our Additional Legal Terms, or Policies, you violate applicable laws, or we reasonably believe termination is necessary to protect Airbnb, its Members, or third parties. If your account has been inactive for more than two years, we may terminate your account without prior notice.

12.3 Member Violations. If (i) you breach these Terms, our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or our Standards, (ii) you violate applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights, or (iii) Airbnb believes it is reasonably necessary to protect Airbnb, its Members, or third parties; Airbnb may, with or without prior notice:

  • suspend or limit your access to or use of the Airbnb Platform and/or your account;
  • suspend, remove, disable access to, or restrict visibility of Listings, Reviews, or other Content;
  • cancel pending or confirmed bookings; or
  • suspend or revoke any special status associated with your account.

For minor violations or where otherwise appropriate as Airbnb determines in its sole discretion, you will be given notice of any intended measure by Airbnb and an opportunity to resolve the issue. You may appeal actions taken by us under this Section by contacting customer service. If a Reservation is canceled under this Section, the amount paid to the Host will be reduced by the amount we refund or otherwise provide to the Guest, and by any other costs we incur as a result of the cancellation.

12.4 Legal Mandates. Airbnb may take any action it determines is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement, or other administrative agency or governmental body, including the measures described above in Section 12.3.

12.5 Effect of Termination. If you are a Host and terminate your Airbnb account, any confirmed booking(s) will be automatically canceled and your Guests will receive a full refund. If you terminate your account as a Guest, any confirmed booking(s) will be automatically canceled and any refund will depend upon the terms of the Reservation’s cancellation policy. When this agreement has been terminated, you are not entitled to a restoration of your account or any of your Content. If your access to or use of the Airbnb Platform has been limited, or your Airbnb account has been suspended, or this agreement has been terminated by us, you may not register a new account or access or use the Airbnb Platform through an account of another Member.

12.6 Survival. Parts of these Terms that by their nature survive termination, will survive termination of this agreement, including Sections 1 through 25.

13. Modification.

Airbnb may modify these Terms at any time. When we make material changes to these Terms, we will post the revised Terms on the Airbnb Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Terms. We will also provide you with notice of any material changes by email, notifications through the Airbnb Platform, messaging service, or any other contact method made available by us and selected by you at least 30 days before the date they become effective. If you disagree with the revised Terms, you may terminate this agreement immediately as provided in these Terms. If you do not terminate your agreement before the date the revised Terms become effective, your continued access to or use of the Airbnb Platform will constitute acceptance of the revised Terms.

14. Resolving Complaints and Damage Claims.

If a Member provides valid evidence that you, your guest(s), or your pet(s) have:

(i) damaged the complaining Member’s, or the Accommodation owner’s (where the Accommodation owner is not also the Host), real or personal property, or real or personal property the complaining Member is responsible for, or has an economic interest in; or 

(ii) caused loss of booking income for bookings via the Airbnb Platform or other consequential damages which result directly from the damage caused under (i) above; or

(iii) otherwise caused the complaining Member to incur cleaning costs in excess of the Member’s cleaning fee (each of (i), (ii), and (iii) being a ("Damage Claim"), 

the complaining Member can notify Airbnb and/or seek compensation through the Resolution Center. You will be notified of the Damage Claim and given an opportunity to respond. If you agree to pay, or if the Damage Claim is escalated to Airbnb and Airbnb determines in its sole discretion that the Damage Claim is valid and you are responsible for the Damage Claim, Airbnb via Airbnb Payments can collect the amount of the Damage Claim from you. You agree that Airbnb may seek to recover from you under any insurance policies you maintain and that Airbnb may also pursue against you any remedies it may have available under applicable law, including referral of the matter to a collections agency, and/or pursuit of available causes of action and/or claims against you. You agree to cooperate in good faith, provide any information Airbnb requests, execute documents, and take further reasonable action, in connection with Damage Claims, Member complaints, claims under insurance policies, or other claims related to your provision or use of Host Services.

15. Airbnb’s Role.

We offer you the right to use a platform that enables Members to publish, offer, search for, and book Host Services. While we work hard to ensure our Members have great experiences using Airbnb, we do not and cannot control the conduct of Guests and Hosts. You acknowledge that Airbnb has the right, but does not have any obligation, to monitor the use of the Airbnb Platform and verify information provided by our Members. For example, we may review, disable access to, remove, or edit Content to: (i) operate, secure and improve the Airbnb Platform (including for fraud prevention, risk assessment, investigation and customer support purposes); (ii) ensure Members’ compliance with these Terms; (iii) comply with applicable law or the order or requirement of a court, law enforcement or other administrative agency or governmental body; (iv) address Content that we determine is harmful or objectionable; (v) take actions set out in these Terms; and (vi) maintain and enforce any quality or eligibility criteria, including by removing Listings that don’t meet quality and eligibility criteria. Members acknowledge and agree that Airbnb administers its Additional Legal Terms, Policies (such as our Extenuating Circumstances Policy) and Standards (such as basic requirements for hosts), including decisions about whether and how to apply them to a particular situation, at its sole discretion. Members agree to cooperate with and assist Airbnb in good faith, and to provide Airbnb with such information and take such actions as may be reasonably requested by Airbnb with respect to any investigation undertaken by Airbnb regarding the use or abuse of the Airbnb Platform. Airbnb is not acting as an agent for any Member except for where Airbnb Payments acts as a collection agent as provided in the Payments Terms.

16. Member Accounts.

You must register an account to access and use many features of the Airbnb Platform. Registration is only permitted for legal entities, partnerships and natural persons who are 18 years or older. You represent and warrant that you are not a person or entity barred from using the Airbnb Platform under the laws of the United States, your place of residence, or any other applicable jurisdiction. You must provide accurate, current, and complete information during registration and keep your account information up-to-date. You may not transfer your account to someone else. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your account credentials and may not disclose your credentials to any third party. You are responsible and liable for activities conducted through your account and must immediately notify Airbnb if you suspect that your credentials have been lost, stolen, or your account is otherwise compromised. If and as permitted by applicable law, we may, but have no obligation to (i) ask you to provide identification or other information, (ii) undertake checks designed to help verify your identity or background, (iii) screen you against third-party databases or other sources and request reports from service providers, and (iv) obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions or sex offender registrations or their local equivalents.

17. Disclaimer of Warranties.

We provide the Airbnb Platform and all Content “as is” without warranty of any kind and we disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied. For example: (i) we do not endorse or warrant the existence, conduct, performance, safety, quality, legality or suitability of any Guest, Host, Host Service, Listing or third party; (ii) we do not warrant the performance or non-interruption of the Airbnb Platform; and (iii) we do not warrant that verification, identity or background checks conducted on Listings or Members (if any) will identify past misconduct or prevent future misconduct. Any references to a Member or Listing being "verified" (or similar language) indicate only that the Member or Listing or Airbnb has completed a relevant verification or identification process and nothing else. The disclaimers in these Terms apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. If you have statutory rights or warranties Airbnb cannot disclaim, the duration of any such statutorily required rights or warranties, will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

18. Limitations on Liability.

Neither Airbnb (including its affiliates and personnel) nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Airbnb Platform or any Content will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services, or for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (i) these Terms, (ii) the use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform or any Content, (iii) any communications, interactions or meetings you may have with someone you interact or meet with through, or as a result of, your use of the Airbnb Platform, or (iv) publishing or booking of a Listing, including the provision or use of Host Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or any other legal theory, and whether or not Airbnb has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set out in these Terms is found to have failed of its essential purpose.

Except for our obligation to transmit payments to Hosts under these Terms, or make payments under the Airbnb Host Damage Protection, in no event will Airbnb’s aggregate liability for any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, your interaction with any Members, or your use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform, any Content, or any Host Service, exceed: (A) to Guests, the amount you paid as a Guest during the 12-month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability, (B) to Hosts, the amount paid to you as a Host in the 12-month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability, or (C) to anyone else, one hundred U.S. dollars (US$100).

These limitations of liability and damages are fundamental elements of the agreement between you and Airbnb. If applicable law does not allow the limitations of liability set out in these Terms, the above limitations may not apply to you.

19. Indemnification.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Airbnb’s option), indemnify, and hold Airbnb (including Airbnb Payments, other affiliates, and their personnel) harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with: (i) your breach of these Terms (including any supplemental or additional terms that apply to a product or feature) or our Additional Legal TermsPolicies or Standards, (ii) your improper use of the Airbnb Platform, (iii) your interaction with any Member, stay at an Accommodation, participation in an Experience or other Host Service, including without limitation any injuries, losses or damages (whether compensatory, direct, incidental, consequential or otherwise) of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of such interaction, stay, participation or use, (iv) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit Taxes, or (v) your breach of any laws, regulations or third party rights such as intellectual property or privacy rights.

20. Contracting Entities.

Based on your country of residence or establishment and what you are doing on the Airbnb Platform, Schedule 1 below sets out the Airbnb entity with whom you are contracting. If we identify through the Airbnb Platform, an Airbnb entity other than the one set out on Schedule 1 as being responsible for a product, feature or transaction, the Airbnb entity so identified is your contracting entity with respect to that product, feature or transaction. If you change your country of residence or establishment, the Airbnb company you contract with (as set out on Schedule 1) and the applicable version of the Terms of Service will be determined by your new country of residence or establishment, from the date on which your country of residence or establishment changes.

21. United States Governing Law and Venue.

If you reside or have your place of establishment in the United States, these Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the United States of America, without regard to conflict-of-law provisions. Judicial proceedings (other than small claims actions) that are excluded from the arbitration agreement in Section 22 must be brought in state or federal court in San Francisco, California, unless we both agree to some other location. You and we both consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in San Francisco, California.

22. United States Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Agreement.


22.1 Application. This Arbitration Agreement only applies to you if your country of residence or establishment is the United States. If your country of residence or establishment is not the United States, and you nevertheless attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb in the United States, this Arbitration Agreement will apply for determination of the threshold issue of whether this Section 22 applies to you, and all other threshold determinations, including residency, arbitrability, venue, and applicable law.

22.2 Overview of Dispute Resolution Process. Airbnb is committed to participating in a consumer-friendly dispute resolution process. To that end, these Terms provide for a two-part process for individuals to whom this Section 22 applies: (1) an informal negotiation directly with Airbnb’s customer service team (described in paragraph 22.3, below), and if necessary (2) a binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb each retain the right to seek resolution of the dispute in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration.

22.3 Mandatory Pre-Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Notification. At least 30 days prior to initiating an arbitration, you and Airbnb each agree to send the other party an individualized notice of the dispute in writing (“Pre-Dispute Notice") and attempt in good faith to negotiate an informal resolution of the individual claim. You must send your Pre-Dispute Notice to Airbnb by mailing it to Airbnb’s agent for service: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb will send its Pre-Dispute Notice to the email address associated with your Airbnb account. A Pre-Dispute Notice must include: the date, your name, mailing address, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, a brief description of the dispute, and the relief sought. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 30-day period, only then may either party commence arbitration by filing a written demand for arbitration with the arbitration provider designated pursuant to Section 22.6, below. A claimant’s Pre-Dispute Notice requirement is a prerequisite to any arbitration, and a copy of the Pre-Dispute Notice and evidence that it was sent as required by this Section must be attached to any arbitration demand.

22.4 Agreement to Arbitrate. You and Airbnb mutually agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Terms or the applicability, breach, termination, validity, enforcement or interpretation thereof, or any use of the Airbnb Platform, Host Services, or any Content (collectively, “Disputes”) will be settled by binding arbitration on an individual basis (the “Arbitration Agreement”). If there is a dispute about whether this Arbitration Agreement can be enforced or applies to a Dispute, you and Airbnb agree that an arbitrator will decide that issue. For the avoidance of doubt, you and Airbnb agree that any question regarding arbitrability and the formation, enforceability, validity, scope, or interpretation of all or part of this Section 22, including any dispute over compliance with the Pre-Dispute Notice requirement and a party’s responsibility to pay arbitration fees, shall be resolved exclusively by an arbitrator.

22.5 Exceptions to Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb each agree that the following causes of action and/or claims for relief are exceptions to the Arbitration Agreement and will be brought in a judicial proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction (as defined by Section 22): (i) any claim or cause of action alleging actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation or violation of a party’s copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or other intellectual property rights; (ii) any claim or cause of action seeking emergency injunctive relief based on exigent circumstances (e.g., imminent danger or commission of a crime, hacking, cyber-attack); or (iii) a request for the remedy of public injunctive relief; (iv) any claim or cause of action for vexatious litigation; or (v) any individual claim of sexual assault or sexual harassment arising from your use of the Airbnb Platform or Host Services. You and Airbnb agree that any request for the remedy of public injunctive relief will proceed after the arbitration of all arbitrable claims, remedies, or causes of action, and will be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration pursuant to section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act.

22.6 Arbitration Forum Rules and Governing Law. This Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act governs all substantive and procedural interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement, and not state law. The arbitration will be administered by ADR Services, Inc. (“ADR”) (www.adrservices.com) in accordance with Rules 1, 6–7, 8–9, and 11–12, 45, 54, and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Selected Federal Rules") (https://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure/federal-rules-civil-procedure) and ADR’s Arbitration Rules then in effect (the “ADR Rules”), except as the Selected Federal Rules or ADR Rules are modified by or conflict with this Arbitration Agreement. The ADR Rules are available at www.adrservices.com. If an arbitration demand is submitted to ADR Services in accordance with this agreement and the ADR Rules, and ADR Services cannot or will not administer the arbitration, the arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the Selected Federal Rules and the AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules and/or other AAA arbitration rules determined to be applicable by the AAA (the “AAA Rules”) then in effect, except as modified here. The AAA Rules are available at www.adr.org. If the AAA cannot and will not administer the arbitration, you and Airbnb shall confer and select an alternative arbitral forum, and if we are unable to agree, either you or Airbnb may ask a court to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to 9 U.S.C. § 5. In that event, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the appointed arbitral forum, unless those rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement.

22.7 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Hearing/Location. In order to make the arbitration most cost-effective, efficient, and convenient, any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy does not exceed $1,000,000 shall be conducted remotely via video conference except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. Any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy exceeds $1,000,000 shall be conducted in San Francisco County except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. If the amount in controversy is $10,000 or less, the parties agree to proceed solely on the submission of documents to the arbitrator.

22.8 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Fees and Costs. Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the ADR Rules and the ADR Services fee schedule (available at www.adrservices.com). If you have a gross monthly income of less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, you are entitled to a waiver of arbitration fees and costs, exclusive of arbitrator fees. You may request a fee waiver by providing the arbitration provider with a declaration under oath stating your monthly income and the number of persons in your household. If a fee waiver is granted by the arbitration provider and you provide Airbnb with documents necessary to prove that your gross monthly income is less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, Airbnb will pay your share of any arbitrator fees.

22.9 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Claims Brought for an Improper Purpose or In Violation of This Arbitration Agreement. Either party may make a request that the arbitrator impose sanctions upon proving that the other party or its attorney(s) has asserted a claim or defense that is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, or is otherwise frivolous. As allowed by applicable law, the arbitrator shall impose sanctions equal to the requesting party’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs upon finding that a claim or defense is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, asserted in violation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (treating the arbitrator as “the court”), or is otherwise frivolous. Either party may seek dismissal of any arbitration filed in violation of any provision of this Arbitration Agreement. Either party may assert in arbitration a counterclaim for the other party’s initiation of proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement. Upon finding that a party has initiated proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement, the arbitrator shall award the other party its actual damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

22.10 Arbitrator’s Decision. The arbitrator will issue a written decision which shall include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any relief allowed by law or the ADR Rules, but declaratory or injunctive relief may be awarded only on an individual basis and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim.

22.11 Jury Trial Waiver. You and Airbnb acknowledge and agree that both parties are each waiving the right to a trial by jury as to all arbitrable Disputes.

22.12 No Class Actions or Representative Proceedings. You and Airbnb acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit, class-wide arbitration, private attorney general action, or any other representative or consolidated proceeding. Unless we agree in writing or as provided in this agreement, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of any class or representative proceeding. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of the waiver contained in this paragraph as to any claim, cause of action or requested remedy, then that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, and only that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, will be severed from this agreement to arbitrate and will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that a claim, cause of action or requested remedy is severed pursuant to this paragraph, then you and we agree that the claims, causes of action or requested remedies that are not subject to arbitration will be stayed until all arbitrable claims, causes of action and requested remedies are resolved by the arbitrator.

22.13 Mass Action Waiver. You and Airbnb acknowledge and agree that the relative benefits and efficiencies of arbitration may be lost when 100 or more arbitration claims are filed within 180 days which (1) involve the same or similarly situated parties; (2) are based on the same or similar claims which arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, incidents, alleged violations or events requiring the determination of the same or substantially identical questions of law or fact; and (3) involve the same or coordinated counsel for the parties (“Mass Action”). Accordingly, you and Airbnb agree to waive the right to have any Dispute administered, arbitrated, or resolved as part of a Mass Action (though Sections 21 and 22.12 of these Terms will continue to apply to the Dispute). In case of a dispute, the appointed arbitrator for the first matter instituted within a set of claims identified by either party shall decide whether those claims are part of a Mass Action. If no arbitrator has yet been appointed, an arbitrator shall be appointed solely to determine whether claims identified by either party are part of a Mass Action. Nothing in this provision prevents you or Airbnb from participating in a mass settlement of claims.

22.14 Modification of Arbitration Rules – Mass Action Batching Requirements. If for any reason, notwithstanding Section 22.13, an arbitration proceeds as part of a Mass Action, the parties shall group the arbitration demands into batches of no more than 200. The batches shall be determined by listing the claimants’ alphabetically (by last name or business name, as applicable)—for example, the first 200 claimants listed will be the first batch, the next 200 claimants listed will be the second batch, and so forth. The parties shall randomly assign each batch a sequential number and arbitrate the batches one at a time, in sequential order. While one batch is being arbitrated, the arbitration provider shall hold the remainder in abeyance unless otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitration provider. Each batch shall be resolved within 240 days of the pre-hearing conference for that batch. Notwithstanding the forgoing, if any claimant’s demand has not been the subject of a pre-hearing conference within 2 years of the latest-filed demand in the Mass Action, such claimant may elect to pursue the claims asserted in the claimant’s demand in court subject to Sections 21 and 22.12 of these Terms.

22.15 Modifications of Arbitration Rules - Offers of Judgment. At least 10 days before the date set for the arbitration hearing, you or Airbnb may serve a written offer of judgment on the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer is accepted, the offer with proof of acceptance shall be submitted to the arbitration provider, who shall issue an award accordingly. If the offer is not accepted prior to the arbitration hearing or within 30 days after it is made, whichever occurs first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given as evidence in the arbitration, other than with respect to costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider). If an offer made by one party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party shall not recover their post-offer costs and shall pay the offering party’s costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider) from the time of the offer.

22.16 Severability. Except as provided in Section 22.11, in the event that any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision will be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement will be given full force and effect.

22.17 Amendment to Agreement to Arbitrate. If Airbnb amends this Section 22 after the date you last accepted these Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Terms), you may reject the change by sending us written notice no later than 30 days of the date the change is effective. Your notice must include your name, mailing address, the date of the notice, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of the amended Section 22. You must either mail your notice to this address: 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out, or email the opt-out notice to arbitration.opt.out@airbnb.com. Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Airbnb (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Airbnb.

22.18 Survival. Except as provided in Section 22.12 and subject to Section 12.6, this Section 22 will survive any termination of these Terms and will continue to apply even if you stop using the Airbnb Platform or terminate your Airbnb account.

23. China Governing Law and Dispute Resolution.

23.1 China Domestic Transactions. If you reside or have your place of establishment in China, and are contracting with Airbnb China, these Terms and this Section 23.1 are governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. In this situation, any dispute arising from or in connection with these Terms or use of the Airbnb Platform shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. The seat of the arbitration shall be Beijing. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

23.2 Cross-border Transactions. If you reside or have your place of establishment in China, and are contracting with Airbnb, Inc., Airbnb Stays Inc., Airbnb Travel, LLC, Luxury Retreats International ULC or any other non-China entity, these Terms and this Section 23.2 are governed by the laws of Singapore. In this situation, any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms or use of the Airbnb Platform, including any question regarding the existence, validity or termination of these Terms, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The Tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

23.3 Without Limitation Provisions. The above Sections 23.1 and 23.2 are expressed to be without regard to conflict of laws provisions and shall not be construed to limit any rights which Airbnb may have to apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for any order requiring you to perform or be prohibited from performing certain acts and other provisional relief permitted under the laws of Singapore, the People’s Republic of China, or any other laws that may apply to you.

24. Brazil Governing Law and Venue. If you reside or have your place of establishment in Brazil, these Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Brazil, without regard to conflict-of-law provisions. Legal proceedings that you are able to bring against us arising from or in connection with these Terms may only be brought in a court located in Brazil.

25. Rest of World Dispute Resolution, Venue and Forum, and Governing Law. If you reside or have your place of establishment outside of the United States, China, and Brazil, this Section applies to you and these Terms will be interpreted in accordance with Irish law. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded. If you are acting as an individual consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of Irish law. As an individual consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to these Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or the competent court of Airbnb's place of business in Ireland. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

26. Miscellaneous.

26.1 Other Terms Incorporated by Reference. Our Host Damage Protection, Japan Host Insurance Terms, Rebooking and Refund Policy, Experiences Guest Refund Policy, Content Policy, Nondiscrimination Policy, Extenuating Circumstances PolicyAdditional Legal Terms, PoliciesStandards and other supplemental policies and terms linked to in these Terms apply to your use of the Airbnb Platform, are incorporated by reference into this policy, and form part of your agreement with Airbnb.

26.2 Interpreting these Terms. Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms, conditions, policies, guidelines, standards, and in-product disclosures, these Terms (including those items incorporated by reference) constitute the entire agreement between Airbnb and you pertaining to your access to or use of the Airbnb Platform and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Airbnb and you. These Terms do not and are not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon anyone other than you and Airbnb. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, except as otherwise indicated in Section 22.11 above, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. Where the word “will” is used in these Terms it connotes an obligation with the same meaning as “shall.”

26.3 No Waiver. Airbnb’s failure to enforce any right or provision in these Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by us in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Terms or otherwise permitted under law.

26.4 Assignment. You may not assign, transfer or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without Airbnb's prior written consent. Airbnb may without restriction assign, transfer or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations hereunder, at its sole discretion, with 30 days’ prior notice.

26.5 Notice. Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications to Members permitted or required under this agreement, will be provided electronically and given by Airbnb via email, Airbnb Platform notification, messaging service (including SMS and WeChat), or any other contact method we enable and you provide. If a notification relates to a booking or Listing in Japan, you agree and acknowledge that such notifications via electronic means in lieu of a written statement, satisfies Airbnb’s obligations under Article 59 (1) of the Japanese Housing Accommodation Business Act.

26.6 Third-Party Services. The Airbnb Platform may contain links to third-party websites, applications, services or resources (“Third-Party Services”) that are subject to different terms and privacy practices. Airbnb is not responsible or liable for any aspect of such Third-Party Services and links to such Third-Party Services are not an endorsement.

26.7 Google Terms. Some translations on the Airbnb Platform are powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties for merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Some areas of the Airbnb Platform implement Google Maps/Earth mapping services, including Google Maps API(s). Your use of Google Maps/Earth is subject to the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service.

26.8 Apple Terms. If you access or download our application from the Apple App Store, you agree to Apple’s Licensed Application End User License Agreement.

26.9 Platform Content. Content made available through the Airbnb Platform, including without limitation trademarks, trade dress, inventions, algorithms, computer programs (in source code and object code), customer and marketing information and other content (“Platform Content”), whether registered or unregistered, which may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, know how, and/or other laws of the United States and other countries. You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights for that Platform Content are the exclusive property of Airbnb and/or its licensors and agree that you will not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices. You may not use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit any Platform Content accessed through the Airbnb Platform except to the extent you are the legal owner of that Platform Content or as expressly permitted in these Terms. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Airbnb grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to (i) download and use the Application on your personal device(s); and (ii) access and view the Platform Content made available on or through the Airbnb Platform and accessible to you, solely for your personal and non-commercial use.

26.10 Airbnb.org. Airbnb.org is a nonprofit corporation exempt from income taxation under U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), operating as a public charity. Airbnb.org is not owned or controlled by Airbnb. Airbnb.org administers a number of charitable programs that benefit our Host and Guest communities and the public.

26.11 Force Majeure. Airbnb shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from abnormal or unforeseeable circumstances outside its reasonable control, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary, including, but not limited to, acts of God, natural disasters, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, pandemics, epidemics or disease, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials.

26.12 Emails and SMS. You will receive administrative communications from us using the email address or other contact information you provide for your Airbnb account. Enrollment in additional email subscription programs will not affect the frequency of these administrative emails, though you should expect to receive additional emails specific to the program(s) to which you have subscribed. You may also receive promotional emails from us. No fee is charged for these promotional emails, but third-party data rates could apply. You can control whether you receive promotional emails using the notification preferences in your account settings. Please note that you will not be able to take advantage of certain promotions if you disable certain communication settings or do not have an Airbnb account. In the U.S. if you consent to receive SMS (text messages) from us, you will be subject to our SMS Terms.

26.13 Contact Us. If you have any questions about these Terms please email us.

Schedule 1 - Contracting Entities





United States

Booking or offering certain hotels or traditional accommodations, where Airbnb Travel, LLC is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Travel, LLC

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations located in the United States for stays of 28 nights or more where Airbnb Stays, Inc. is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Stays, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations where Luxury Retreats International ULC is identified in the checkout or listing process or other product surface.

Luxury Retreats International ULC

5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1A8

All other activities.

Airbnb, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

European Economic Area, Switzerland or the United Kingdom

Booking or offering certain hotels or traditional accommodations, where Airbnb Travel, LLC is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Travel, LLC

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations located in the United States for stays of 28 nights or more where Airbnb Stays, Inc. is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Stays, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations where Luxury Retreats International ULC is identified in the checkout or listing process or other product surface.

Luxury Retreats International ULC

5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1A8

All other activities.

Airbnb Ireland UC

8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

China (which for purposes of these Terms, refers to the People's Republic of China and does not include Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)

Booking or offering certain hotels or traditional accommodations, located outside of China, where Airbnb Travel, LLC is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Travel, LLC

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations located in the United States for stays of 28 nights or more where Airbnb Stays, Inc. is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Stays, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations where Luxury Retreats International ULC is identified in the checkout or listing process or other product surface.

Luxury Retreats International ULC

5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1A8

Listing information display in China.

Airbnb Internet (Beijing) Co., Ltd. ("Airbnb China")

01B, Unit 1401, 14th Floor, East Tower, World Financial Center, No.1, East Third Ring Middle Road Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100020


Booking or offering certain hotels or traditional accommodations, where Airbnb Travel, LLC is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Travel, LLC

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations located in the United States for stays of 28 nights or more where Airbnb Stays, Inc. is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Stays, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering any other Host Service, located outside Japan.

Airbnb Ireland UC

8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

Booking or offering accommodations where Luxury Retreats International ULC is identified in the checkout or listing process or other product surface.

Luxury Retreats International ULC

5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1A8

All other activities.

Airbnb Global Services Limited

3 Dublin Landings, North Wall Quay, Dublin D01 H104, Ireland

Brazil (as of April 1, 2022)

Any booking, offering accommodations, or any other activity.

Airbnb Plataforma Digital Ltda.

Rua Aspicuelta 422, conjunto 51, CEP: 05433-010, São Paulo - SP - Brazil

All other countries and territories

Booking or offering certain hotels or traditional accommodations, where Airbnb Travel, LLC is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Travel, LLC

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations located in the United States for stays of 28 nights or more where Airbnb Stays, Inc. is identified in the checkout or listing process.

Airbnb Stays, Inc.

888 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Booking or offering accommodations where Luxury Retreats International ULC is identified in the checkout or listing process or other product surface.

Luxury Retreats International ULC

5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1A8

All other activities.

Airbnb Ireland UC

8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

Terms of Service for Australian Users

These Terms of Service for Australian Users (“Terms”) are subject to the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. These Terms (including Sections 1.3, 3, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 10, 17, 18 and 19) apply to the maximum extent permitted by the Australian Consumer Law.

Section 23 of these Terms contains an arbitration agreement and class action waiver that applies to all claims brought against Airbnb in the United States. Please read them carefully.

Last Updated: January 25, 2024

Thank you for using Airbnb!

These Terms and the documents, policies and standards referred to within them, form a binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb that governs your right to use the websites, applications, and other offerings from Airbnb (collectively, the “Airbnb Platform”).

The documents referred to within these Terms include but are not limited to our:

  • Payments Terms of Service, which govern any payment services provided to Members by the Airbnb payment entities (such entities, collectively, "Airbnb Payments").
  • Privacy Policy, which describes our collection and use of personal data.
  • Service Fees Policy, which describes how Airbnb service fees are charged to Hosts and Guests.
  • Offline Fee Policy, which describes the circumstances in which a Host can charge additional fees or charges outside the Airbnb Platform.
  • Off-Platform Policy, which prohibits certain actions from occurring outside of the Airbnb Platform.
  • Taxes Policy, which explains what taxes may apply to a Reservation.
  • Host Privacy Standards, that specify how Hosts should handle Guest Personal Information.
  • Cancellation Policies, that explain the cancellation policies that may apply to a listing. The Host’s cancellation policy applicable to each reservation is displayed on the Listing page before booking.
  • Major Disruptive Events Policy, which explains how cancellations are handled when unforeseen events beyond your control arise after booking and make it impractical or illegal to complete your Reservation.
  • Rebooking and Refund Policy, which explains how Airbnb will assist with rebooking a reservation and how Airbnb handles refunds when a Host cancels a reservation or another Reservation Issue disrupts a stay.
  • Experiences Guest Refund Policy, which explains how refunds are handled for Experiences when a Host cancels or a Reservation Issue occurs.
  • Resolution Centre page, which describes how money-related disputes between Hosts and Guests may be resolved.
  • Host Damage Protection Terms, which explains the terms, exclusions and limitations under which Airbnb will agree to pay a Host to repair or replace Covered Property as a result of a Covered Loss.
  • Reviews Policy, which governs reviews left by Members on the Airbnb Platform.
  • Community Standards, that apply to Members and help ensure safe stays, experiences and interactions.
  • Community Policies, which sets out expectations of Members of the Airbnb Community.
  • Content Policy, which governs the posting by Members of content on the Airbnb Platform.
  • Nondiscrimination Policy, which describes the fundamental principles of inclusion and respect and provides guidance to Members in making accommodation distinctions based on certain personal characteristics.
  • Experiences Standards and Requirements, which explains the standards and requirements that apply to Experiences.
  • Listing Management Terms of Service, which govern the use of Teams to help manage Listings and provide Host Services.

For convenience, we have set out above several terms and policies that are referred to in these Terms. However, it is important that you note that there are other supplemental policies and terms linked from our Legal Terms and Policies pages, which apply to your use of the Airbnb Platform, and are incorporated by reference, and form part of the binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb.

When used in these Terms, “Airbnb,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to the Airbnb entity set out on Schedule 1 with whom you are contracting.

The Airbnb Platform offers an online venue that enables users (“Members”) to publish, offer, search for, and book services. Members who publish and offer services are “Hosts” and Members who search for, book, or use services are “Guests". Hosts offer accommodations (“Accommodations”), activities, excursions and events (“Experiences”), and a variety of travel and other services (collectively, “Host Services,” and each Host Service offering, a “Listing”).

As the provider of the Airbnb Platform, Airbnb does not own, control, offer or manage any Listings, Host Services, or tourism services. Airbnb is not a party to the contracts entered into directly between Hosts and Guests, nor is Airbnb a real estate broker, travel agency, or insurer. Airbnb is not acting as an agent in any capacity for any Member, except as specified in the Payments Terms of Service (“Payment Terms”). To learn more about Airbnb’s role see Section 15.

Guest Terms

1. Searching and Booking on Airbnb.

1.1 Searching.

You can search for Host Services by using criteria like the type of Host Service, type of listing, travel destination, travel dates, and number of guests. You can also use filters to refine your search results. Search results are based on their relevance to your search and other criteria. Relevance considers factors like price, availability, reviews, customer service and cancellation history, popularity, previous trips and saved Listings, Host requirements (e.g. minimum or maximum nights), and more. Learn more about search results in our Help Center.

1.2 Booking.

When you book a Listing, you are agreeing to pay all charges for your booking including the Listing price, applicable fees like Airbnb’s service fee, offline fees, taxes, and any other items identified during checkout (collectively, “Total Price”). If you choose to pay using a currency that differs from the currency set by the Host for their Listing, the price displayed to you prior to you completing payment is based on a currency conversion rate determined by us. You are also agreeing that Airbnb via Airbnb Payments may charge the Payment Method (as defined in the Payment Terms) used to book the Listing in order to collect Damage Claim (as defined in Section 14) amounts. If you choose to pay using a currency that differs from the currency set by the Host for their Listing, the price displayed to you is based on a currency conversion rate determined by us. When you receive the booking confirmation, a contract for Host Services (a "Reservation") is formed directly between you and the Host. By making a Reservation you are agreeing to the terms of the contract. The terms of the contract include these Terms, all terms of the Reservation, including without limitation, the cancellation policy and any other rules, standards, policies, or requirements identified in the Listing or during checkout that apply to the Reservation. It is your responsibility to read and understand these terms of the contract including these Terms and all terms of the Reservation including all rules, standards, policies, and requirements prior to booking a Listing. Be aware that some Hosts work with a co-host or as part of a team to provide their Host Services.

1.3 Accommodation Reservations.

An Accommodation Reservation is a limited license to enter, occupy and use the Accommodation. The Host retains the right to re-enter the Accommodation during your stay, to the extent: (i) it is reasonably necessary, (ii) permitted by your contract with the Host, and (iii) permitted by applicable law. If you stay past checkout, the Host has the right to make you leave in a manner permitted by applicable law, including by imposing reasonable overstay penalties. You may not exceed the maximum number of allowed Guests.

1.4 Reservations for Experiences and Other Host Services.

An Experience or other Host Service Reservation entitles you to participate in, attend, or use that Experience or Host Service. You are responsible for confirming that you, and anyone you invite, meet minimum age, proficiency, fitness or other requirements. You are responsible for informing the Host of any medical or physical conditions, or other circumstances that may impact your ability to participate, attend or use the Experience or Host Service. Except where expressly authorized, you may not allow any person to join an Experience or Host Service unless they are included as an additional guest during the booking process.

2. Cancellations, Reservation Issues, Refunds and Booking Modifications.

2.1 Cancellations, Reservation Issues, and Refunds.

In general, if you cancel a Reservation, the amount refunded to you is determined by the Host’s cancellation policy that applies to that Reservation, as displayed on the Listing page at the time of booking. But, in certain situations, other policies take precedence and determine what amount is refunded to you. If something outside your control requires you to cancel a Reservation, you may be entitled to a partial or full refund under our Major Disruptive Events Policy. If the Host cancels, or you experience a Reservation Issue (as defined in our Rebooking and Refund Policy), you may be entitled to rebooking assistance or a partial or full refund under our Rebooking and Refund Policy. Different policies apply to certain categories of Listings; for example, Experiences reservations are governed by the Experiences Guest Refund Policy. See each Additional Legal Term or Policy for details about what is covered, and what refund applies in each situation. You may appeal a decision by Airbnb by contacting our customer service.

2.2 Booking Modifications.

Guests and Hosts are responsible for any booking modifications they agree to make via the Airbnb Platform or direct Airbnb customer service to make on their behalf ("Booking Modifications"), and agree to pay any additional amounts, fees, or taxes associated with any Booking Modification, which are notified to them prior to choosing to proceed with the Booking Modification.

3. Your Responsibilities and Assumption of Risk.

3.1 Your Responsibilities.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you are responsible and liable for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you invite to join or provide access to any Accommodation, all areas and facilities where the Accommodation is located that the Host and Guest are legally entitled to use in connection with the Accommodation (“Common Areas”), or any Experience or other Host Service. For example, this means: (i) you are responsible for leaving an Accommodation (and related personal property) or Common Areas in the condition it was in when you arrived, (ii) you are responsible for paying all reasonable Damage Claim amounts, and (iii) you must act with integrity, treat others with respect and comply with applicable laws at all times. If you are booking for an additional guest who is a minor or if you bring a minor to a Host Service, you must be legally authorized to act on behalf of the minor and you are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor.

3.2 Your Assumption of Risk.

You acknowledge that many activities carry inherent risks and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you assume the risk arising out of your access to and use of the Airbnb Platform and any Content (as defined in Section 9), including your stay at any Accommodation, participation in any Experience, use of any other Host Service, or any other interaction you have with other Members whether in person or online. This means it is your responsibility to investigate a Host Service to determine whether it is suitable for you. For example, Host Services may carry risk of illness, bodily injury, disability, or death, and you freely and willfully assume those risks by choosing to participate in those Host Services.

Host Terms

4. Hosting on Airbnb.

4.1 Host

As a Host, Airbnb offers you the right to use the Airbnb Platform in accordance with these Terms to share your Accommodation, Experience, or other Host Service with our vibrant community of Guests - and earn money doing it. It’s easy to create a Listing and you are in control of how you host - set your price, availability, and rules for each Listing.

4.2 Contracting with Guests

When you accept a booking request, or receive a booking confirmation through the Airbnb Platform, you are entering into a contract directly with the Guest, and are responsible for delivering the Host Service under the terms and at the price specified in your Listing. You are also agreeing to pay applicable fees like Airbnb’s service fee (and applicable guest taxes) for each booking. Airbnb Payments will deduct amounts you owe from your payout unless we and you agree to a different method. Any terms or conditions that you include in any supplemental contract with Guests must: (i) be consistent with these Terms, our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, and the information provided in your Listing, and (ii) be prominently disclosed in your Listing description.

4.3 Independence of Hosts

Your relationship with Airbnb is that of an independent individual or entity and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of Airbnb, except that Airbnb Payments acts as a payment collection agent as described in the Payments Terms. Airbnb does not direct or control your Host Service and you understand that you have complete discretion whether and when to provide Host Services and at what price and on what terms to offer them.

5. Managing Your Listing.

5.1 Creating and Managing Your Listing.

The Airbnb Platform provides tools that make it easy for you to set up and manage a Listing. Your Listing must include complete and accurate information about your Host Service, your price, other charges like cleaning fees, resort fees, offline fees, and any rules or requirements that apply to your Guests or Listing. You are responsible for your acts and omissions as well as for keeping your Listing information (including calendar availability) and content (like photos) up-to-date and accurate at all times. You are responsible for obtaining appropriate insurance for your Host Services and we suggest you carefully review policy terms and conditions including coverage details and exclusions. You may only maintain one Listing per Accommodation, but may have multiple Listings for a single property if it has multiple places to stay. Any offer of an Experience is subject to our Additional Terms for Experience Hosts in Section 24.

5.2 Know Your Legal Obligations.

You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, rules, regulations and contracts with third parties that apply to your Listing or Host Services. For example: Some landlords and leases, or homeowner and condominium association rules, restrict or prohibit subletting, short-term rentals and/or longer-term stays. Some cities have zoning or other laws that restrict the short-term rental of residential properties. Some jurisdictions require Hosts to register, get a permit, or obtain a license before providing certain Host Services (such as short-term rentals, longer-term stays, preparing food, serving alcohol for sale, guiding tours or operating a vehicle). In some places, the Host Services you want to offer may be prohibited altogether. Some jurisdictions require that you register Guests who stay at your Accommodation. Some jurisdictions have laws that create tenancy rights for Guests and additional obligations for Hosts. For example, some places have landlord-tenant, rent control, and eviction laws that may apply to longer stays. Check your local rules to learn what rules apply to the Host Services you plan to offer. Information we provide regarding legal requirements is for informational purposes only and you should independently confirm your obligations. You are responsible for handling and using personal data of Guests and others in compliance with applicable privacy laws and these Terms, including our Host Privacy Standards. If you have questions about how local laws apply you should always seek legal advice.

5.3 Search Ranking.

The ranking of Listings in search results on the Airbnb Platform depends on a variety of factors, including these main parameters:

  • Guest search parameters (e.g. number of Guests, destination, time and duration of the trip, price range),
  • Listing characteristics (e.g. location, price, calendar availability, number and quality of images, reviews, ratings and other quality signals, type or category of Host Service, Host status, length of time the Listing has been live on the Airbnb Platform, Guest engagement and popularity),
  • Guest experience (e.g. customer service and cancellation history of the Host, ease of booking),
  • Host and Listing requirements (e.g. minimum or maximum nights, booking cut-off time), and
  • Guest preferences and history (e.g. previous trips, viewed and saved Listings, location from where the Guest is searching).

Search results may be different on our mobile application than on our website, and may also differ in the map view. Airbnb may allow Hosts to promote their Listings in search or elsewhere on the Airbnb Platform by paying an additional fee. More information about the factors that determine how your Listing appears in search results, our current promotional programs (if any) and how we identify promoted Content can be found in our Help Center.

5.4 Your Responsibilities.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you are responsible and liable for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you allow to participate in providing your Host Services. You are responsible for setting your price and establishing rules and requirements for your Listing. You must describe any and all fees and charges in your Listing description and may not collect any additional fees or charges outside the Airbnb Platform except those expressly authorized by our Offline Fee Policy. Do not encourage Guests to create third-party accounts, submit reviews, provide their contact information, or take other actions outside the Airbnb Platform in violation of our Off-Platform Policy.

5.5 Hosting as a Team or Organization.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, if you work with a co-host or host as part of a team, business or other organization, you are responsible and liable as a Host under these terms for the acts and omission of each entity and individual who participates in providing your Host Services and you are required to inform personnel engaged by you to deliver any Host Services of your obligations under these Terms. If you accept terms or enter into contracts with third parties, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to enter into contracts for and bind your team, business or other organization, and that each entity you use is in good standing under the laws of the place where it is established. If you perform other functions, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to perform those functions. If you instruct Airbnb to transfer a portion of your payout to a co-host or other Hosts, or send payments to someone else, you must be authorized to do so, and are responsible and liable for the payment amounts and accuracy of any payout information you provide.

5.6 Your Assumption of Risk.

You acknowledge that hosting carries inherent risks and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, you assume the risk arising out of your access to and use of the Airbnb Platform, offering Host Services, or any interaction you have with other Members whether in person or online. You agree that you have had the opportunity to investigate the Airbnb Platform and any laws, rules, regulations, or obligations that may be applicable to your Listings or Host Services.

6. Cancellations, Reservation Issues, and Booking Modifications.

6.1 Cancellations and Reservation Issues.

In general, if a Guest cancels a Reservation, the amount paid to you is determined by the cancellation policy that applies to that Reservation. As a host, you should not cancel on a Guest without a valid reason under our Major Disruptive Events Policy or applicable law. If you cancel on a Guest without such a valid reason, we may impose a cancellation fee and other consequences. If: (i) a Guest experiences a Reservation Issue (as defined by the Rebooking and Refund Policy), (ii) a Major Disruptive Event arises, or (iii) a Reservation is cancelled under Section 12 of these Terms, the amount you are paid will be reduced by the amount we refund or otherwise provide to the Guest, and by any other reasonable costs we incur as a result of the cancellation. If a Guest receives a refund after you have already been paid, or the amount of the refund and other costs incurred by Airbnb exceeds your payout, Airbnb (via Airbnb Payments) may recover that amount from you, including by deducting the refund against your future payouts. You agree that Airbnb’s Rebooking and Refund Policy, Major Disruptive Events Policy, and these Terms preempt the cancellation policy you set in situations where they allow for the cancellation of a Reservation and/or the issuance of refunds to Guests. If we reasonably expect to provide a refund to a Guest under one of these policies, we may delay release of any payout for that Reservation until a refund decision is made. If you host an Experience please note that the Experience Cancellation Policy, Experiences Guest Refund Policy and different cancellation fees and consequences apply to your Reservations. See each Policy for details about what is covered, and what your payout will be in each situation.

You may appeal a decision by Airbnb by contacting our customer service.

6.2 Booking Modifications.

Hosts and Guests are responsible for any Booking Modifications they agree to make via the Airbnb Platform or direct Airbnb customer service to make on their behalf, and agree to pay any additional amounts, fees or taxes associated with a Booking Modification which are notified to them prior to choosing to proceed with the Booking Modification.

7. Taxes

7.1 Host Taxes.

As a Host, you are responsible for determining and fulfilling your obligations under applicable laws to report, collect, remit or include in your price any applicable GST or other indirect taxes, occupancy taxes, sales, tourist or other taxes ("Taxes").

7.2 Collection and Remittance by Airbnb.

In jurisdictions where Airbnb facilitates the collection and/or remittance of Taxes on behalf of Hosts, you instruct and authorize Airbnb to collect Taxes on your behalf, and/or to remit such Taxes to the relevant Tax authority. Any Taxes that are collected and/or remitted by Airbnb are identified to Members on their transaction records, as applicable. Airbnb may seek additional amounts from Members (including by deducting such amounts from future payouts) where Taxes collected and/or remitted are insufficient to fully discharge that Members’ tax obligations, and you agree that your sole remedy for Taxes collected by Airbnb is a refund from the applicable Tax authority. You acknowledge and agree that we retain the right, with prior notice to affected Members, to cease the collection and remittance of Taxes in any jurisdiction for any reason.

7.3 Tax Information.

In certain jurisdictions, Tax regulations may require that we collect and/or report Tax information about you, or withhold Taxes from payouts to you, or both. Where applicable, if you fail to provide us with documentation that we determine to be sufficient to support any such obligation to withhold Taxes from payouts to you, we may withhold payouts up to the amount as required by law, until sufficient documentation is provided. You agree that Airbnb may issue on your behalf invoices or similar documentation for GST or other Taxes for your Host Services to facilitate accurate tax reporting.

General Terms

8. Reviews.

After each Host Service, Guests and Hosts will have an opportunity to review each other. Your review must be accurate and may not contain any discriminatory, offensive, defamatory, or other language that violates these Terms, applicable law, or our Content Policy or Review Policy. Reviews are not verified by Airbnb for accuracy and may be incorrect or misleading.

9. Content.

Parts of the Airbnb Platform enable you to provide feedback, text, photos, audio, video, information and other content (“Content”). By providing Content, in whatever form and through whatever means, you grant Airbnb a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, sub-licensable and transferable license, to access, use, store, copy, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publish, transmit, stream, broadcast, and otherwise exploit in any manner such Content to provide and/or promote the Airbnb Platform, in any media or platform, known or unknown to date and in particular on Internet and social networks. If Content includes personal information, such Content will only be used for these purposes if such use complies with applicable data protection laws in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Where Airbnb pays for the creation of Content or facilitates its creation, Airbnb may own that Content, in which case supplemental terms or disclosures will say that. You are solely responsible for all Content that you provide and warrant that you either own it or are authorized to grant Airbnb the rights described in these Terms. You are responsible and liable if any of your Content violates or infringes the intellectual property or privacy rights of any third party. Content must comply with our Content Policy and Nondiscrimination Policy, which prohibit, among other things, discriminatory, obscene, harassing, deceptive, violent and illegal content. You agree that Airbnb may make available services or automated tools to translate Content and that your Content may be translated using such services or tools. Airbnb does not guarantee the accuracy or quality of translations and Members are responsible for confirming the accuracy of such translations.

10. Fees.

Airbnb may charge fees (and applicable Taxes) to Hosts and Guests for the right to use the Airbnb Platform. More information about when service fees apply and how they are calculated can be found on our Service Fees page. Any applicable fees are disclosed to Guests before making a booking. Except as otherwise provided on the Airbnb Platform and to the extent permitted by law, service fees are non-refundable. Airbnb reserves the right to change the service fees at any time, and will provide Members at least 30 days’ notice of any fee changes before they become effective. Fee changes will not affect bookings made prior to the effective date of the fee change. If you disagree with a fee change you may terminate this agreement at any time pursuant to Section 12.2.

11. Airbnb Platform Rules.

11.1 Rules.

You must follow these rules and must not help or induce others to break or circumvent these rules.

  • Act with integrity and treat others with respect.
    • Do not lie, misrepresent something or someone, or pretend to be someone else.
    • Be polite and respectful when you communicate or interact with others.
    • Do not attempt to evade enforcement of these Terms, our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or our Standards, such as by creating a duplicate account or listings.
    • Follow our Nondiscrimination Policy and do not discriminate against or harass others.
  • Do not scrape, hack, reverse engineer, compromise or impair the Airbnb Platform.
    • Do not use bots, crawlers, scrapers, or other automated means to access or collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the Airbnb Platform.
    • Do not hack, avoid, remove, impair, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any security or technological measure used to protect the Airbnb Platform or Content.
    • Do not decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software or hardware used to provide the Airbnb Platform.
    • Do not take any action that could damage or adversely affect the performance or proper functioning of the Airbnb Platform.
  • Only use the Airbnb Platform as authorized by these Terms or another agreement with us.
    • You may only use another Member’s personal information as necessary to facilitate a transaction using the Airbnb Platform as authorized by these Terms.
    • Do not use the Airbnb Platform, our messaging tools, or Members’ personal information to send commercial messages without their express consent.
    • You may use Content made available through the Airbnb Platform solely as necessary to enable your use of the Airbnb Platform as a Guest or Host.
    • Do not use Content unless you have permission from the Content owner or the use is authorized by us in these Terms or another agreement you have with us.
    • Do not request, make or accept a booking or any payment outside of the Airbnb Platform to avoid paying fees, taxes or for any other reason. See our Offline Fee Policy for exceptions.
    • Do not require or encourage Guests to open an account, leave a review, complete a survey, complete a survey, or otherwise interact, with a third party website, application or service before, during or after a Reservation, unless authorized by Airbnb.
    • Do not engage in any practices that are intended to manipulate our search algorithm.
    • Do not book Host Services unless you are actually using the Host Services.
    • Do not use, copy, display, mirror or frame the Airbnb Platform, any Content, any Airbnb branding, or any page layout or design without our consent.
  • Honor your legal obligations.
    • Understand and follow the laws that apply to you, including privacy, data protection, and export laws.
    • If you provide us with someone else’s personal information, you: (i) must do so in compliance with applicable law, (ii) must be authorized to do so, and (iii) authorize us to process that information under our Privacy Policy.
    • Read and follow our Terms, Additional Legal Terms, Policies and Standards.
    • Do not organize or facilitate unauthorized parties or events. You are responsible and liable for any party or event during your Reservation that violates our rules for parties and events, as incorporated by reference herein.
    • Do not use the name, logo, branding, or trademarks of Airbnb or others without permission, and only as set forth in our Trademark Guidelines.
    • Do not use or register any domain name, social media handle, trade name, trademark, branding, logo or other source identifier that is confusingly similar to any Airbnb trademarks, logos or branding. See our Trademark Guidelines for additional details.
    • Do not offer Host Services that violate the laws or agreements that apply to you. Do not offer or solicit prostitution or participate in or facilitate human trafficking.

11.2 Reporting Violations.

If you believe that a Member, Listing or Content poses an imminent risk of harm to a person or property, you should immediately contact local authorities before contacting Airbnb. In addition, if you believe that a Member, Listing or Content has violated our Standards, you should report your concerns to Airbnb. If you reported an issue to local authorities, Airbnb may request a copy of that report. Except as required by law, we are not obligated to take action in response to any report.

11.3 Copyright Notifications.

If you believe that Content on the Airbnb Platform infringes copyrights, please notify us in accordance with our Copyright Policy.

12. Termination, Suspension and other Measures.

12.1 Term.

The agreement between you and Airbnb reflected by these Terms is effective when you access the Airbnb Platform (for example to create an account) and remains in effect until either you or we terminate the agreement in accordance with these Terms.

12.2 Termination.

You may terminate this agreement for any reason and at any time by sending us an email or by deleting your account, or in the case of Experiences, by removing all of your Experiences from the Airbnb Platform. Airbnb may terminate this agreement, stop providing access to the Airbnb Platform, deactivate your account, remove your Listing(s), or any combination thereof, for any reason (including if your account has been inactive for more than two years) by providing you 30 days’ notice via email or using any other contact information you have provided for your account. Airbnb may also terminate this agreement, stop providing access to the Airbnb Platform, deactivate your account, remove your Listing(s), or any combination thereof, immediately and without prior notice if (i) you materially breach these Terms or our Additional Legal Terms, or Policies, (ii) you materially fail to comply with the standards and requirements for Experiences; (iii) you violate applicable laws, or (iv) such action is necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, or third parties (for example in the case of fraudulent behavior of a Member).

Airbnb reserves the right to change our services, including to add or remove features and functionalities or change the types of Listings we accept or allow on the platform, including but not limited to: improve or update our services, prevent abuse, or respond to legal requirements. If we make material changes, we will provide you with 30 days’ advance notice, unless the changes are to prevent abuse or respond to legal requirements.

12.3 Member Violations.

If (i) you breach these Terms, our Additional Legal Terms, Policies, or our Standards, (ii) you violate applicable laws, regulations, or third-party rights, (iii) you provide Content that is illegal or incompatible with these Terms, (iv) you have repeatedly received poor reviews or Airbnb otherwise becomes aware of or has received complaints about your performance or conduct, (vi) you have repeatedly canceled confirmed bookings or failed to respond to booking requests without a valid reason, or (vii) such action is reasonably necessary to protect the personal safety or property of Airbnb, its Members, or third parties, Airbnb may:

  • suspend or limit your access to or use of the Airbnb Platform and/or your account;
  • suspend, remove, disable access to, or restrict visibility of Listings, reviews, or other Content;
  • cancel pending or confirmed bookings; or
  • suspend or revoke any special status associated with your account.

In case of non-material breaches or where otherwise reasonable, you will be given reasonable notice of any actions that Airbnb proposes to take and an opportunity to remedy the non-material breach (if it is capable of remedy), unless such notification would (i) prevent or impede the detection or prevention of fraud or other illegal activities, (ii) harm the legitimate interests of other Members or third parties, or (iii) contravene applicable laws.

12.4 Legal Mandates.

Airbnb may take any action it determines is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law, or the order or request of a court, law enforcement or other administrative agency or governmental body, including the measures described above in Section 12.3.

12.5 Effect of Termination.

If you are a Host and terminate your Airbnb account, any confirmed booking(s) will be automatically cancelled and your Guests will receive a full refund. If you terminate your account as a Guest, any confirmed booking(s) will be automatically cancelled and any refund will depend upon the terms of the Listing’s cancellation policy as specified on the Listing at the time of booking. When this agreement has been terminated, you are not entitled to a restoration of your account or any of your Content. If your access to or use of the Airbnb Platform has been limited, or your Airbnb account has been suspended, or this agreement has been terminated by us, you may not register a new account or access or use the Airbnb Platform through an account of another Member.

12.6 Survival.

Sections 1, 2.1, 3, 4.2, 4.3, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 6.1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 survive expiry or termination, together with any other terms that, by reasonable implication or to give them efficacy are, or are intended, to be performed in whole or in part after the expiry or termination of this agreement.

12.7 Appeal.

If Airbnb takes any of the measures described in this Section 12 you may appeal such a decision by contacting our customer service.

13. Modification of these Terms.

Airbnb may modify these Terms at any time. When we make material changes to these Terms, we will post the revised Terms on the Airbnb Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Terms. We will also provide you with notice of any material changes by email, notifications through the Airbnb Platform, messaging service, or any other contact method made available by us and selected by you at least 30 days before the date they become effective. If you disagree with the revised Terms, you may terminate this agreement immediately as provided in these Terms. If you do not terminate your agreement before the date the revised Terms become effective, your continued access to or use of the Airbnb Platform will constitute acceptance of the revised Terms.

14. Resolving Complaints and Damage Claims.


If a Member provides valid evidence that you, your guest(s), or your pet(s) have culpably:

(i) damaged the complaining Member’s, or the Accommodation owner’s (where the Accommodation owner is not also the Host), real or personal property, or real or personal property the complaining Member is responsible for, or has an economic interest in;

(ii) caused loss of booking income for bookings via the Airbnb Platform or other consequential damages which result directly from the damage caused under (i) above; or

(iii) otherwise caused the complaining Member to incur cleaning costs in excess of the Member’s cleaning fee (each of (i), (ii), and (iii) being a "Damage Claim"),

the complaining Member can notify Airbnb and/or seek compensation through the Resolution Center. You will be notified of the Damage Claim and given an opportunity to respond. If you agree to pay, or if the Damage Claim is escalated to Airbnb and Airbnb reasonably determines that the Damage Claim is valid and you are responsible for the Damage Claim, Airbnb via Airbnb Payments can collect the amount of the Damage Claim from you.


If the Host and Guest cannot resolve, or a Guest fails to pay a Damage Claim, the Host may notify Airbnb through the Resolution Center under the terms of the Host Damage Protection Terms and seek compensation. Airbnb will review the Damage Claim and ask the Host to provide any required evidence (e.g. through appropriate documents, photos, invoices, or third- party experts) which substantiates the Damage Claim and the Damage Claim amount. The Guest will be given the opportunity to respond and provide any relevant counter evidence. If Airbnb reasonably determines, under (i) consideration of the evidence provided; (ii) the Host Damage Protection Terms; and (iii) applicable statutory rules on the burden of proof, that the Guest is responsible for the Damage Claim, Airbnb (via Airbnb Payments) will pay out the Damage Claim to the Host. If Airbnb pays out the Damage Claim to the Host, Airbnb may collect the amount of the Damage Claim from the Guest, including by charging the Guest’s Payment Method up to a maximum amount of $500 USD. Airbnb may also pursue claims for recovering Damage Claims amounts, including amounts exceeding the maximum amount applicable for charging the Guest’s Payment Method, against a Guest using any remedies it may have available under applicable law, including referral of the matter to a collections agency, and/or pursuit of available causes of action and/or claims against a Guest. Members may appeal a decision by Airbnb by contacting our customer service. As between Members and Airbnb, the burden of proof regarding the Damage Claim and the Damage Claim amount always lies with Airbnb.


You agree to cooperate in good faith, provide any information Airbnb requests, execute documents, and take further reasonable action, in connection with Damage Claims, Member complaints, claims under insurance policies, or other claims related to your provision or use of Host Services.


Any decisions made by Airbnb in relation to a Damage Claim will not affect your contractual or statutory rights.

15. Airbnb’s Role

We offer you the right to use a platform that enables Members to publish, offer, search for, and book Host Services. When Members make or accept a booking, they are entering into a contract directly with each other. Airbnb is not and does not become a party to or other participant in any contractual relationship between Members. Airbnb is not acting as an agent for any Member except for where Airbnb Payments acts as a collection agent as provided in the Payments Terms. While we work hard to ensure our Members have great experiences using Airbnb, we do not and cannot control the conduct or performance of Guests and Hosts and do not guarantee (i) the existence, quality, safety, suitability, or legality of any Listings or Host Services or (ii) the truth or accuracy of any Listing descriptions, Reviews, or other Content provided by Members. You acknowledge that Airbnb has the right, but does not have any obligation to monitor the use of the Airbnb Platform and verify information provided by our Members. For example, we may review, disable access to, remove, or edit Content to: (i) operate, secure and improve the Airbnb Platform (including for fraud prevention, risk assessment, investigation and customer support purposes); ensure Members’ compliance with these Terms; (iii) comply with applicable law or the order or requirement of a court, law enforcement or other administrative agency or governmental body; (iv) address Member Content that we determine is harmful or objectionable; (v) take actions set out in these Terms; and (vi) maintain and enforce any quality or eligibility criteria, including by removing Listings that don’t meet quality and eligibility criteria. Where we remove or disable Content, we will notify a Member and provide the reasons for such a measure, unless such notification would (i) prevent or impede the detection or prevention of fraud or other illegal activities, (ii) harm the legitimate interests of other Members or third parties, or (iii) contravene applicable laws. You may appeal such a decision by contacting our customer service. Members agree to cooperate with and assist Airbnb in good faith, and to provide Airbnb with such information and take such actions as may be reasonably requested by Airbnb with respect to any investigation undertaken by Airbnb regarding the use or abuse of the Airbnb Platform.

16. Member Accounts.

You must register an account to access and use many features of the Airbnb Platform. Registration is only permitted for legal entities, partnerships and natural persons who are 18 years or older. You represent and warrant that you are not a person or entity barred from using the Airbnb Platform under the laws of the United States, your place of residence, or any other applicable jurisdiction. You must provide accurate, current, and complete information during registration and keep your account information up-to-date. You may not transfer your account to someone else. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your account credentials and may not disclose your credentials to any third party. You must immediately notify Airbnb if you suspect that your credentials have been lost, stolen, or your account is otherwise compromised. You are responsible and liable for activities conducted through your Airbnb Account, unless such activities are not authorized by you and you are not otherwise negligent (such as failing to report the unauthorized use or loss of your credentials). If and as permitted by applicable law, we may, but have no obligation to (i) ask you to provide identification or other information, (ii) undertake checks designed to help verify your identity or background, (iii) screen you against third-party databases or other sources and request reports from service providers, and (iv) obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions or sex offender registrations or their local equivalents.

17. Warranties.

We do not endorse or warrant the existence, conduct, performance, safety, quality, legality or suitability of any Guest, Host, Host Service, Listing or third party. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not warrant the performance or non-interruption of the Airbnb Platform and we do not warrant that verification, identity or background checks conducted on Listings or Members (if any) will identify past misconduct or prevent future misconduct. Any references to a Member or Listing being "verified" (or similar language) indicate only that the Member or Listing or Airbnb has completed a relevant verification or identification process and nothing else. We are not responsible for outages or disruptions of the Internet and telecommunications infrastructure which are beyond our control and can lead to interruptions in the availability of the Airbnb Platform. Airbnb may, temporarily and under consideration of the Members’ legitimate interests (e.g. by providing prior notice), restrict the availability of the Airbnb Platform or certain features thereof, if this is necessary in view of capacity limits, the security or integrity of our servers, or to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper or improved functioning of the Airbnb Platform.

18. Limitations on Liability.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, no party, including Airbnb’s affiliates and personnel, or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Airbnb Platform or any Content, will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages. Incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages include, to the maximum extent permitted by law, lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services. Neither is Airbnb liable nor any other party liable, to the extent permitted by law, for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (i) these Terms, (ii) the use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform or any Content, (iii) any communications, interactions or meetings you may have with someone you interact or meet with through, or as a result of, your use of the Airbnb Platform, or (iv) the publishing or booking of a Listing, including the provision or use of Host Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or any other legal theory, and whether or not Airbnb has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set out in these Terms is found to have failed of its essential purpose.

Except for (i) Airbnb’s obligation to transmit payments to Hosts under these Terms, (ii) Airbnb’s obligation to make payments under the Airbnb Host Damage Protection, which contains its own limitations of liability, and (iii) Airbnb’s wilful breach of these Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall Airbnb’s aggregate liability for any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, interaction with any Members, or use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform, any Content, or any Host Service, exceed: (A) to Guests, three (3) times the amount you paid for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability, or (B) to Hosts, three (3) times the amount paid to you for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability.

Except in the case of a Member’s wilful breach of these Terms, to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall a Member’s liability to Airbnb or any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Airbnb Platform or any Content for any claim or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, interaction with any Member, or use of or inability to use the Airbnb Platform, any Content, or any Host Service exceed: (A) in the case of Guests, three (3) times the amount you paid for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability, or (B) in the case of Hosts, three (3) times the amount paid to you for the relevant Reservation(s) giving rise to the liability.

19. Indemnification.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at Airbnb’s option), indemnify, and hold Airbnb (including Airbnb Payments, other affiliates, and their personnel) harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of: (i) your breach of these Terms (including any supplemental or additional terms that apply to a product or feature) or our Additional Legal Terms, Policies or Standards, (ii) your improper use of the Airbnb Platform, (iii) your interaction with any Member, stay at an Accommodation, participation in an Experience or other Host Service, including without limitation any injuries, losses or damages (whether compensatory, direct, incidental, consequential or otherwise) of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of such interaction, stay, participation or use, (iv) your failure, or our failure at your direction, to accurately report, collect or remit Taxes, or (v) your breach of any laws, regulations or third party rights such as intellectual property or privacy rights. The indemnification obligation only applies if and to the extent that the claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses have been adequately caused by your negligence or breach of a contractual obligation or, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the negligence and breach of a contractual obligation by those third parties for whose acts and omissions you are responsible under Sections 3.1 and 5.4 above.

20. Contracting Entities.

Based on your country of residence or establishment and what you are doing on the Airbnb Platform, Schedule 1 below sets out the Airbnb entity with whom you are contracting. If we identify through the Airbnb Platform, an Airbnb entity other than the one set out on Schedule 1 as being responsible for a product, feature or transaction, the Airbnb entity so identified is your contracting entity with respect to that product, feature or transaction. If you change your country of residence or establishment to a country outside of Australia, the Airbnb company you contract with and the applicable version of the Terms of Service will be determined by your new country of residence or establishment, from the date on which your country of residence or establishment changes.

21. Applicable law and Jurisdiction.

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with Irish law. If you are acting as a consumer and if mandatory statutory consumer protection regulations in your country of residence contain provisions that are more beneficial for you, such provisions shall apply irrespective of the choice of Irish law. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is excluded. As a consumer, you may bring any judicial proceedings relating to these Terms before the competent court of your place of residence or the competent court of Airbnb's place of business in Ireland. If Airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer, we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident. If you are acting as a business, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

22. Miscellaneous

22.1 Other Terms Incorporated by Reference.

There are documents, policies and standards referred to in and linked from these Terms (including on our Additional Legal Terms page), which apply to your use of the Airbnb Platform, which are incorporated by reference to these Terms, and form part of the binding legal agreement between you and Airbnb.

22.2 Interpreting these Terms.

Except as they may be supplemented by additional terms, conditions, policies, guidelines, standards, and in-product disclosures, these Terms (including those items incorporated by reference) constitute the entire agreement between Airbnb and you pertaining to your access to or use of the Airbnb Platform and supersede any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Airbnb and you. This Section does not exclude a party’s liability for prior false, misleading or deceptive statements or misrepresentations, where oral or written. These Terms do not and are not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon anyone other than you and Airbnb. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, except as otherwise indicated in Section 23.12 below, such provision will be struck and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

22.3 No Waiver.

Subject to any limitation expressly stated in these Terms, or any document policy or standard incorporated into them, neither Airbnb’s or a Member’s failure to enforce any right or provision in these Terms will constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed between the relevant parties in writing. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these Terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these Terms or otherwise permitted under law.

22.4 Assignment.

You may not assign, transfer or delegate this agreement or your rights and obligations hereunder without Airbnb's prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Airbnb may without restriction assign, transfer or delegate this agreement and any rights and obligations hereunder, at its sole discretion, with 30 days’ prior notice. Your right to terminate this agreement at any time pursuant to Section 12.2 remains unaffected.

22.5 Notice.

Unless specified otherwise, any notices or other communications to Members permitted or required under this agreement, will be provided electronically and given by Airbnb via email, Airbnb Platform notification, messaging service (including SMS and WeChat), or any other contact method we enable you to provide. If a notification relates to a booking or Listing in Japan, you agree and acknowledge that such notifications via electronic means in lieu of a written statement, satisfies Airbnb’s obligations under Article 59 (1) of the Japanese Housing Accommodation Business Act.

22.6 Third-Party Services.

The Airbnb Platform may contain links to third-party websites, applications, services or resources (“Third-Party Services”) that are subject to different terms and privacy practices. Airbnb is not responsible or liable for any aspect of such Third-Party Services and links to such Third-Party Services are not an endorsement.

22.7 Google Terms.

Some translations on the Airbnb Platform are powered by Google. Google disclaims all warranties related to the translations, express or implied, including any warranties of accuracy, reliability, and any implied warranties for merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Some areas of the Airbnb Platform implement Google Maps/Earth mapping services, including Google Maps API(s). Your use of Google Maps/Earth is subject to the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service.

22.8 Apple Terms.

If you access or download our application from the Apple App Store, you agree to Apple’s Licensed Application End User License Agreement.

22.9 Airbnb Platform Content.

Content made available through the Airbnb Platform, including without limitation trademarks, trade dress, inventions, algorithms, computer programs (in source code and object code), customer and marketing information and other content (“Platform Content”), whether registered or unregistered, may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, know how, and/or other laws of the United States and other countries. You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights for that Platform Content are the exclusive property of Airbnb and/or its licensors and agree that you will not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices. You may not use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit any Platform Content accessed through the Airbnb Platform except to the extent you are the legal owner of that Platform Content or as expressly permitted in these Terms. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Airbnb grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to (i) download and use the Application on your personal device(s); and (ii) access and view the Platform Content made available on or through the Airbnb Platform and accessible to you, solely for your personal and non-commercial use.

22.10 Airbnb.org.

Airbnb.org is a nonprofit corporation exempt from income taxation under U.S. Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), operating as a public charity. Airbnb.org is not owned or controlled by Airbnb. Airbnb.org administers a number of charitable programs that benefit our Host and Guest communities and the public.

22.11 Force Majeure.

As between Airbnb and a Member, neither shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform resulting from abnormal or unforeseeable circumstances outside their reasonable control, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the contrary, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, pandemics, epidemics or disease, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section does not: (i) apply to a Reservation, which is subject to the Host’s cancellation policy and the Major Disruptive Events Policy; or (ii) operate to extend deadlines applicable to a Resolution Centre Request, a Host Damage Protection claim, an Aircover for guests claim, a Reservation Issue under the Rebooking and Refund Policy, or an Experiences Issue under the Experiences Guest Refund Policy, or other requests, claims or reporting under similar policies that are incorporated by reference into these Terms.

22.12 Emails and SMS.

You will receive administrative communications from us using the email address or other contact information you provide for your Airbnb account. Enrollment in additional email subscription programs will not affect the frequency of these administrative emails, though you should expect to receive additional emails specific to the program(s) to which you have subscribed. You may also receive promotional emails from us. No fee is charged for these promotional emails, but third-party data rates could apply. You can control whether you receive promotional emails using the notification preferences in your account settings. Please note that you will not be able to take advantage of certain promotions if you disable certain communication settings or do not have an Airbnb Account.

22.13 Contact Us.

If you have any questions about these Terms, please email us.

    23. United States Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Agreement.


    23.1 Application.

    This Arbitration Agreement only applies to you if your country of residence or establishment is the United States. If your country of residence or establishment is not the United States, and you nevertheless attempt to bring any legal claim against Airbnb in the United States, this Arbitration Agreement will apply for determination of the threshold issue of whether this Section 23 applies to you, and all other threshold determinations, including residency, arbitrability, venue, and applicable law.

    23.2 Overview of Dispute Resolution Process. 

    Airbnb is committed to participating in a consumer-friendly dispute resolution process. To that end, these Terms provide for a two-part process for individuals to whom this Section 23 applies: (1) an informal negotiation directly with Airbnb’s customer service team (described in Section 23.3, below), and if necessary (2) a binding arbitration in accordance with the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. You and Airbnb each retain the right to seek resolution of the dispute in small claims court as an alternative to arbitration.

    23.3 Mandatory Pre-Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Notification. 

    At least 30 days prior to initiating an arbitration, you and Airbnb each agree to send the other party an individualized notice of the dispute in writing (“Pre-Dispute Notice") and attempt in good faith to negotiate an informal resolution of the individual claim. You must send your Pre-Dispute Notice to Airbnb by mailing it to Airbnb’s agent for service: CSC Lawyers Incorporating Service, 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N, Sacramento, California 95833. Airbnb will send its Pre-Dispute Notice to the email address associated with your Airbnb account. A Pre-Dispute Notice must include: the date, your name, mailing address, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, a brief description of the dispute, and the relief sought. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within the 30-day period, only then may either party commence arbitration by filing a written demand for arbitration with the arbitration provider designated pursuant to Section 23.6, below. A claimant’s Pre-Dispute Notice requirement is a prerequisite to any arbitration, and a copy of the Pre-Dispute Notice and evidence that it was sent as required by this Section must be attached to any arbitration demand.

    23.4 Agreement to Arbitrate. 

    You and Airbnb mutually agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Terms or the applicability, breach, termination, validity, enforcement or interpretation thereof, or any use of the Airbnb Platform, Host Services, or any Content (collectively, “Disputes”) will be settled by binding arbitration on an individual basis (the “Arbitration Agreement”). If there is a dispute about whether this Arbitration Agreement can be enforced or applies to a Dispute, you and Airbnb agree that an arbitrator will decide that issue. For the avoidance of doubt, you and Airbnb agree that any question regarding arbitrability and the formation, enforceability, validity, scope, or interpretation of all or part of this Section 23, including any dispute over compliance with the Pre-Dispute Notice requirement and a party’s responsibility to pay arbitration fees, shall be resolved exclusively by an arbitrator.

    23.5 Exceptions to Arbitration Agreement.

    You and Airbnb each agree that the following causes of action and/or claims for relief are exceptions to the Arbitration Agreement and will be brought in a judicial proceeding in state or federal court in San Francisco, California, unless we both agree to some other location: (i) any claim or cause of action alleging actual or threatened infringement, misappropriation or violation of a party’s copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, or other intellectual property rights; (ii) any claim or cause of action seeking emergency injunctive relief based on exigent circumstances (e.g. imminent danger or commission of a crime, hacking, cyber-attack); (iii) a request for the remedy of public injunctive relief; (iv) any claim or cause of action for vexatious litigation; or (v) any individual claim of sexual assault or sexual harassment arising from your use of the Airbnb Platform or Host Services. You and Airbnb agree that any request for the remedy of public injunctive relief will proceed after the arbitration of all arbitrable claims, remedies, or causes of action, and will be stayed pending the outcome of the arbitration pursuant to section 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act.

    23.6 Arbitration Rules and Governing Law. 

    This Arbitration Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act governs all substantive and procedural interpretation and enforcement of this Arbitration Agreement, and not state law. The arbitration will be administered by ADR Services, Inc. (“ADR”) (www.adrservices.com) in accordance with Rules 1, 6–7, 8–9, and 11–12, 45, 54, and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Selected Federal Rules") (https://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure/federal-rules-civil-procedure) and ADR’s Arbitration Rules then in effect (the “ADR Rules”), except as the Selected Federal Rules or ADR Rules are modified by or conflict with this Arbitration Agreement. The ADR Rules are available at www.adrservices.com. If an arbitration demand is submitted to ADR Services in accordance with this agreement and the ADR Rules, and ADR Services cannot or will not administer the arbitration, the arbitration will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in accordance with the Selected Federal Rules and the AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules and/or other AAA arbitration rules determined to be applicable by the AAA (the “AAA Rules”) then in effect, except as modified here. The AAA Rules are available at www.adr.org. If the AAA cannot and will not administer the arbitration, you and Airbnb shall confer and select an alternative arbitral forum, and if we are unable to agree, either you or Airbnb may ask a court to appoint an arbitrator pursuant to 9 U.S.C. § 5. In that event, the arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the appointed arbitral forum, unless those rules are inconsistent with the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement.

    23.7 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Arbitration Hearing/Location.

    In order to make the arbitration most cost-effective, efficient, and convenient, any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy does not exceed $1,000,000 USD shall be conducted remotely via video conference except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. Any required arbitration hearing in an arbitration wherein the amount in controversy exceeds $1,000,000 USD shall be conducted in San Francisco County except as otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitrator. If the amount in controversy is $10,000 USD or less, the parties agree to proceed solely on the submission of documents to the arbitrator.

    23.8 Modification of AAA Rules - Arbitration Fees and Costs. 

    Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the ADR Rules and the ADR Services fee schedule (available at www.adrservices.com). If you have a gross monthly income of less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, you are entitled to a waiver of arbitration fees and costs, exclusive of arbitrator fees. You may request a fee waiver by providing the arbitration provider with a declaration under oath stating your monthly income and the number of persons in your household. If a fee waiver is granted by the arbitration provider and you provide Airbnb with documents necessary to prove that your gross monthly income is less than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines, Airbnb will pay your share of any arbitrator fees.

    23.9 Modification of Arbitration Rules - Claims Brought for an Improper Purpose or In Violation of This Arbitration Agreement.

    Either party may make a request that the arbitrator impose sanctions upon proving that the other party or its attorney(s) has asserted a claim or defense that is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, or is otherwise frivolous. As allowed by applicable law, the arbitrator shall impose sanctions equal to the requesting party’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs upon finding that a claim or defense is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment, asserted in violation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11(b) (treating the arbitrator as “the court”), or is otherwise frivolous. Either party may seek dismissal of any arbitration filed in violation of any provision of this Arbitration Agreement. Either party may assert in arbitration a counterclaim for the other party’s initiation of proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement. Upon finding that a party has initiated proceedings concerning an arbitrable Dispute without complying with or otherwise in violation of the requirements of this Arbitration Agreement, the arbitrator shall award the other party its actual damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

    23.10 Arbitrator’s Decision.

    The arbitrator will issue a written decision which shall include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any relief allowed by law or the ADR Rules, but declaratory or injunctive relief may be awarded only on an individual basis and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by the claimant’s individual claim.

    23.11 Jury Trial Waiver.

    You and Airbnb acknowledge and agree that we are each waiving the right to a trial by jury as to all arbitrable Disputes.

    23.12 No Class Actions or Representative Proceedings.

    You and Airbnb acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit, class-wide arbitration, private attorney general action, or any other representative or consolidated proceeding. Unless we agree in writing or as provided in this agreement, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one party’s claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of any class or representative proceeding. If there is a final judicial determination that applicable law precludes enforcement of the waiver contained in this paragraph as to any claim, cause of action or requested remedy, then that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, and only that claim, cause of action or requested remedy, will be severed from this agreement to arbitrate and will be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that a claim, cause of action or requested remedy is severed pursuant to this paragraph, then you and we agree that the claims, causes of action or requested remedies that are not subject to arbitration will be stayed until all arbitrable claims, causes of action and requested remedies are resolved by the arbitrator.

    23.13 Mass Action Waiver.

    You and Airbnb acknowledge and agree that the relative benefits and efficiencies of arbitration may be lost when 100 or more arbitration claims are filed within 180 days which (1) involve the same or similarly situated parties; (2) are based on the same or similar claims which arise from the same or substantially identical transactions, incidents, alleged violations or events requiring the determination of the same or substantially identical questions of law or fact; and (3) involve the same or coordinated counsel for the parties (“Mass Action”). Accordingly, you and Airbnb agree to waive the right to have any Dispute administered, arbitrated, or resolved as part of a Mass Action (though Sections 22 and 23.12 of these Terms will continue to apply to the Dispute). In case of a dispute, the appointed arbitrator for the first matter instituted within a set of claims identified by either party shall decide whether those claims are part of a Mass Action. If no arbitrator has yet been appointed, an arbitrator shall be appointed solely to determine whether claims identified by either party are part of a Mass Action. Nothing in this provision prevents you or Airbnb from participating in a mass settlement of claims.

    23.14 Modification of Arbitration Rules – Mass Action Batching Requirements.

    If for any reason, notwithstanding Section 23.13, an arbitration proceeds as part of a Mass Action, the parties shall group the arbitration demands into batches of no more than 200. The batches shall be determined by listing the claimants’ alphabetically (by last name or business name, as applicable)—for example, the first 200 claimants listed will be the first batch, the next 200 claimants listed will be the second batch, and so forth. The parties shall randomly assign each batch a sequential number and arbitrate the batches one at a time, in sequential order. While one batch is being arbitrated, the arbitration provider shall hold the remainder in abeyance unless otherwise agreed by the parties or instructed by the arbitration provider. Each batch shall be resolved within 240 days of the pre-hearing conference for that batch. Notwithstanding the forgoing, if any claimant’s demand has not been the subject of a pre-hearing conference within 2 years of the latest-filed demand in the Mass Action, such claimant may elect to pursue the claims asserted in the claimant’s demand in court subject to Sections 21 and 23.12 of these Terms.

    23.15 Modifications of Arbitration Rules - Offers of Judgment.

    At least ten (10) days before the date set for the arbitration hearing, you or Airbnb may serve a written offer of judgment on the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer is accepted, the offer with proof of acceptance shall be submitted to the arbitration provider, who shall issue an award accordingly. If the offer is not accepted prior to the arbitration hearing or within thirty (30) days after it is made, whichever occurs first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given as evidence in the arbitration, other than with respect to costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider). If an offer made by one party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party shall not recover their post-offer costs and shall pay the offering party’s costs (including all fees paid to the arbitration provider) from the time of the offer.

    23.16 Severability.

    Except as provided in Section 23.12, in the event that any portion of this Arbitration Agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such provision will be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement will be given full force and effect.

    23.17 Amendment to Agreement to Arbitrate.

    If Airbnb amends this Section 23 after the date you last accepted these Terms (or accepted any subsequent changes to these Terms), you may reject the change by sending us written notice no later than 30 days of the date the change is effective. Your notice must include your name, mailing address, the date of the notice, your Airbnb username, the email address you used to set up your Airbnb account, your signature, and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of the amended Section 23. You must either mail your notice to this address: 888 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, Attn: Arbitration Opt-Out, or email the opt-out notice to arbitration.opt.out@airbnb.com. Rejecting a new change, however, does not revoke or alter your prior consent to any earlier agreements to arbitrate any Dispute between you and Airbnb (or your prior consent to any subsequent changes thereto), which will remain in effect and enforceable as to any Dispute between you and Airbnb.

    23.18 Survival.

    Except as provided in Section 23.16, and subject to Section 12.6, this Section 23 will survive any termination of these Terms and will continue to apply even if you stop using the Airbnb Platform or terminate your Airbnb Account.

    Additional Terms for Experience Hosts

    Nothing in this Additional Terms for Experience Hosts section (“Experience Host Terms”) should be interpreted to amend or contradict the Terms unless explicitly stated. If there is a conflict between the Terms and the Experience Host Terms with respect to an Experience, the Experience Host Terms control.

    24. Experience Host Terms

    24.1 Listing an Experience.

    To list an Experience, you must create a Listing and submit the Experience to Airbnb. Experiences must at all times meet the standards and requirements for Experiences. When listing an Experience you must, where applicable, fully educate and inform Guests about (i) any risks inherent or incidental to the Experience, (ii) any requirements for participation, such as the minimum age, related skills, or level of fitness, and (iii) anything else they may need to know to safely participate in the Experience (including dress codes, equipment, special certifications or licenses, etc.). Airbnb reserves the right to decide, in its sole discretion, whether a submitted Experience will be published on or remains on the Airbnb Platform.

    24.2 Hosting Airbnb Guests.

    Once your Experience is published on the Airbnb Platform, you will have the ability to add dates and times when you offer your Experience through the Airbnb Platform (an "Instance"). By making an Instance of your Experience available on the Airbnb Platform, you agree that only people who book through Airbnb can attend that Instance of the Experience. You further agree that you will not allow people to attend any Instance of your Experience available on the Airbnb Platform unless that person booked through Airbnb (or was added as an additional Guest for a spot booked through the Airbnb Platform).

    24.3 Social Impact Experiences.

    If you wish to provide an Experience that benefits a social impact organization (a "Social Impact Experience"), you and the benefitting organization must comply with the Social Impact Experience eligibility requirements. When listing a Social Impact Experience you (i) represent and warrant that you are duly authorized to act on behalf of the benefitting organization and (ii) acknowledge and agree that all payouts will be directed to an account owned by the benefitting organization unless the benefitting organization has obtained authorization from Airbnb as outlined in the Social Impact Experience eligibility requirements. You and the benefitting organization acknowledge that listing a Social Impact Experience does not create a commercial fundraising or co-venturer, or charitable trust relationship with Airbnb, and Airbnb is not a professional fundraiser or commercial participator. If the benefitting organization is a nonprofit, the nonprofit, and not Airbnb, is responsible for determining what, if any, portion of its Total Price is a charitable contribution and for providing Guests charitable tax receipts for any applicable charitable contributions. You and the benefitting organization are solely responsible for complying with all laws that apply to the organization and your Social Impact Experience.

    24.4 Equipment.

    You are responsible for providing all equipment, including supplies, vehicles, venues and other materials ("Equipment") necessary to host your Experience. You are solely responsible for ensuring that the Equipment used in your Experience is in good working order and conforms to all laws pertaining to safety, equipment, inspection, and operational capability. Except as otherwise required by law, you assume all risk of damage or loss to your Equipment.

    24.5 Additional Experience Host Responsibilities.

    You are responsible for (i) understanding and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that may apply to your Experience, (ii) obtaining any required licenses, permits, or registrations prior to providing your Experience; and (iii) ensuring that your Listing and/or Hosting of an Experience will not breach any agreement you may have with any third party. You can find additional information about some of the legal obligations that may apply to you on our Responsible Hosting pages.

    24.6 Hosting as a Team or Organization.

    You must provide your Experience in person and may not allow any third party to provide the Experience on your behalf, unless authorized by Airbnb. Any member of a team, business, or organization that interacts with Guests must be added to an Experience via the method designated by the Airbnb Platform. See Section 5.5 for information about hosting as part of a team, business or organization as well as the Listing Management Terms of Service, which are incorporated herein.

    24.7 Insurance.

    We may require that you obtain your own insurance in order to publish an Experience on the Airbnb Platform. We will provide you with reasonable notice of any changes to insurance requirements that apply to your Experience. In such cases, you agree to obtain and maintain insurance for you, the members of your team or organization, and/or your Experience with the coverage and in the amounts determined by us in our sole discretion for any and all activities that take place on your Experience. You agree to cooperate with Airbnb to verify such insurance coverage. In the event that Airbnb has obtained its own liability insurance that covers your Experiences, your insurance will be the primary source of coverage and Airbnb's insurance will operate as excess or secondary insurance for any amounts exceeding your coverage. Our procurement of such secondary insurance coverage does not relieve you of your obligation to obtain insurance in amounts required by us.

    Schedule 1 - Contracting Entities






    Booking or offering certain hotels or traditional accommodations, where Airbnb Travel, LLC is identified in the checkout or listing process.

    Airbnb Travel, LLC


    Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103,

    United States

    Booking or offering accommodations located in the United States for stays of 28 nights or more where Airbnb Stays, Inc. is identified in the checkout or listing process.

    Airbnb Stays, Inc.


    Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103,

    United States

    Booking or offering accommodations where Luxury Retreats International ULC is identified in the checkout or listing process or other product surface.

    Luxury Retreats International ULC

    5530 St. Patrick Street, Suite 2210, Montreal, Quebec, H4E 1A8

    All other activities.

    Airbnb Ireland UC

    8 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

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